Anonymous ID: 7445c1 March 13, 2019, 12:35 a.m. No.5656315   🗄️.is đź”—kun


(U) Fourth Party Opportunities

Read in browser. Not forced download.

Anonymous ID: 7445c1 March 13, 2019, 12:37 a.m. No.5656330   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6742 >>6820 >>7000


Inside 'Project Indigo,' the quiet info-sharing program between banks and U.S. Cyber Command


"A confidential information-sharing agreement between the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC) and U.S. Cyber Command reveals the blurring line between the country’s public and private sectors as the U.S. government becomes increasingly receptive to launching offensive hacking operations.


The pilot program, codenamed “Project Indigo,” recently established an information-sharing channel for a subunit of FS-ISAC known as the Financial Systemic Analysis & Resilience Center (FSARC). That subunit shares “scrubbed” cyberthreat data, including malware indicators, with the Fort Mead-based Cyber Command, according to current and former U.S. officials."

Anonymous ID: 7445c1 March 13, 2019, 12:39 a.m. No.5656343   🗄️.is đź”—kun


S.2313 - Defending Elections from Threats by Establishing Redlines Act of 2018




Friendly reminder.

Anonymous ID: 7445c1 March 13, 2019, 12:49 a.m. No.5656399   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6611

DS Cohen describes "Russian interference with American Democracy." at around 1:39:00.


At the time, we thought it would captivate the imagination of the American Public, and it didn't.

It didn't for reasons I think are apparent to probably everybody.


It was an enormous missed opportunity to take the, y'know, the Intelligence Community's consolidated judgement on what'd happened to the 2016 election, and to use that as a "jumping off point", like 9/11 was a jumping off point, to "do something about it".

Anonymous ID: 7445c1 March 13, 2019, 1:26 a.m. No.5656611   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6636


at 1:54:00

Suzanne Spaulding starts talking about "Fighting in the Light".

"Transparent World is coming at us full steam ahead and there's nothing we can do to stop it."


"…information operations that get the truth out there about corruption…"

Anonymous ID: 7445c1 March 13, 2019, 1:32 a.m. No.5656636   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Oh I see…


"As the Presidentially-appointed, Senate-confirmed Under Secretary for the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) at the Department of Homeland Security from 2011-2017, Suzanne Spaulding…"


Until 2017.

I wonder why she doesn't have a wikipedia page about her…


She's mentioned here, sorta, in the footnote:

"[1][2] who left in 2005 to join the Glover Park Group.[3]"


  1. ^ "Thurgood Marshall, Jr. and Suzanne Spaulding Join The Harbour Group as Managing Directors". Harbour Group. January 10, 2005.

Thurgood Marshall, Jr. and Suzanne Spaulding Join The Harbour Group as Managing Directors

Anonymous ID: 7445c1 March 13, 2019, 2:22 a.m. No.5656846   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6853 >>6866 >>6871 >>6876 >>7000









youtube transcript of the video:



What GEOTUS is saying

<What’s on the screen while he’s saying it

>Thoughts that I’ll expand on later, personally, but you can delete these and add your own


Here’s a template/breakdown

(And I’ll fix the formatting as necessary.)


Our movement is about replacing a



failed and corrupt political establishment with



a new government controlled by you the American people.



The Washington establishment,



and the financial and media corporations

<McDonalds, 3M, Merck, Pfizer
>GEOTUS claims he eats McD’s, Manufacturing, Drug Companies (Opioid Epidemic and Healthcare Reform)


that fund it, exists

<Barclays (LIBOR), Brit AM Tobacco, Lookes like Big Group but likely BG, BR Land, BHP Billiton


for only one reason to protect and enrich

<Suit Huddle


itself. The establishment has

<Printing Money


trillions of dollars at stake in this election.

<Spending Money

>Fiat-load blow, all or nothing on all sides.


For those who control the

levers of power in Washington and for

the global special interests they partner with, These People

< TTP (R), TISA (G), TTIP (B), with Shadow/Eye USA fully overlapped


that don’t have your good in mind.

<GETOUS tossing (((them))) down/away


Our campaign represents
<Crowd with GEOTUS reveal


a true

<Close up of GEOTUS Silhouette



existential threat like they haven't seen before. This is not simply

<Money Burning


another four-year election.

<GEOTUS Campaigning

>Two Scoops, Two Terms, Second Chance at Life.

>Beyond that though, the firm establisment of The Best Timeline Forever.


This is a

<GEOTUS Winning Bigly

>”Bring it on!” body language



<Boomers and Immigrant Boomers who had no breaks


in the history

<Make Small Business Great Again


of our civilization

<Younger AmeriMutt, who probably owns three gas stations


that will

<GEOTUS and The People


determine whether or not we the people reclaim control

<Declaration of We The Peopleness


over our government.

<GEOTUS emphasizing Bigly.


The political establishment

<Obummer again


that is trying to stop us,

<Obummer and E.U.


is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals.

<Bill Clinton selling us out via NAFTA (guns, drugs, and sex slaves)


Massive illegal immigration

<Boarder jumpers


and economic

<Wall St. Journal so Finance and MSM


and foreign policies



that have bled our country

<Blood (sweat and tears)



<Small Business closing

The political establishment has brought about

<New York? Chicago? Mafia?


the destruction of our






and our jobs as they flee to

<Down and out Worker


Mexico China and other countries all

<Stacks of Euros


around the world it's a global power structure

<Stack of Euros disappearing


that is responsible for the

economic decisions that have robbed our

working class

<Stock Exchange


stripped our country of its welath,

<Counting/Concern for Money


and put that money into the

<Electronically counting money




<Eloctonically transferring money


of a handful of large corporations and political entities.

<Cartoon of a Suit going so an exclusive area.

>A joke, a show.


This this is a struggle for the survival of our nation;



1/i can't remember :D

Anonymous ID: 7445c1 March 13, 2019, 2:22 a.m. No.5656853   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6857 >>6866 >>6871 >>7000


and this will be our last chance to save it

<Tattered American Flag


This election will determine whether we're a free nation,

<Statue of Liberty

>France/Legal Immigration via Ellis Island


or whether we have only the

illusion of democracy but are in fact

<Congress and Senate applauding their treason with Obummer


controlled by a small handful of global, special interests



rigging the system; and our system is rigged.



This is reality you know it they know it I know it

<More money being counted, electonically/mechanically, at speed.

>Fiat Money/Financial Control


and pretty much the whole world knows it.

<Curved Earth

>It’s not flat and they foresaw the shills


The Clinton machine is at the center of this power source. We've seen this Firsthand

<Hillary and the Clinton Global Initiative

>Of which Doug Band was the “Key Architect”. And maybe Satan?


in the WikiLeaks documents in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret

<Bearded Julian Assange


with international banks

<Hillary and Goldman Sachs


to plot the destruction of

<Typing out what I assume are e-mails

>Clinton Server, Podesta, Awans, McTreason, all electonic communication


us sovereignty in order to

<World looks like its burning

>Globe Earth, again


enrich these global financial powers her special interest friends and her donors.

<Focus on fiat currency

>Rothschilds, Saudis, Soros, etc etc.


Honestly, she should be locked up.

<GEOTUS at the helm. Cuts to black.


The most powerful weapon deployed by the Clintons

<Open your eyes (fade-in) to GOETUS still there, pointing things out


is the corporate media the press let's be clear on one thing the

corporate media in our country is no

longer involved




in journalism. They are a political special interest, no different

<Press pool on plane.

>There an edit. A fuzz. A… spez.


than any lobbyist or other financial entity,

<Suits walking in a “fine establishment”.


with a total political agenda; and the agenda is not for you, it's for themselves.

<GEOTUS emphasis with Extra Bigliness


Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe!

<Clinton with a “So What? What does it even matter?” expression.

>They never thought she’d lose to a Basket of Deplorables.


They will lie lie, and then again

<Like a side of beef.

>She’s tooootally healthy!


they will do worse than that. They will do whatever is necessary.

<Claiming False Valor


The Clintons are criminals remember that.

<Hillary as the face while Chelsea is being pushed by Bill behind her.


This is well documented and the establishment that protects them has engaged

<Clinton Cash documentary spalsh


in a massive cover-up of widespread criminal activity at the

<D.C. flyover


State Department

<Department of State sign


and the Clinton Foundation

<Clinton Foundation splash


in order to keep the Clintons in power.

<Clintons looking uneasy


They knew they would throw

<Wolf Blitzer, CNN, WaPo, Totally Ridiculous accusation, during campaign


every lie they couldn't me, and my family,

<Some schmuck on CNN about Trump “mocking the disabled”
>Trumped up charges.


and my loved ones. They knew they would stop at nothing to try to stop me.

<Trump physically attacks teleprompter
>Tryin’ to play him as more stupider than Dubya. Heh heh!


Nevertheless, I take all of these slings and arrows, gladly, for you

<GEOTUS emphasizes and then gets Bigly Serious.


I take them for our movement,

<The you he takes them for, cheering.


so that we can have our country back.

<Veteranbro sayin’ “Sup” to a lil’ dude. Lil’ dude salutes.


I knew this day would arrive.


>Wanna play a game?


It’s only a question of when. and I knew the American People

<Flag waving in the wind.


Would rise above it and vote for the

<Family of proud Americans, who happen to be black.

>Hamilton (the musical) reference? Black vote not going to (((her)))?


future they deserve.

<Looks like a safe, cassically “white”, neighborhood.

>Record black employment. Movin’ on up out da ghetto!


The only thing that can stop this corrupt a machine is you

<Pans of We The People


the only force

<The Veteranbro from earlier in the Lil’ Dude scene


strong enough to save our country,

<American Flags



Anonymous ID: 7445c1 March 13, 2019, 2:23 a.m. No.5656857   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6866 >>6871 >>7000


is US. The only people brave enough to vote out this corrupt establishment

<GEOTUS backed by We The People.


is you guys, the American people.

<GEOTUS acknowledging We The People

>Leadership that hears us because they’re of Us and not above US; for a change.


Our great civilization has come upon a moment of reckoning

<Dramatic Bald Eagle


I didn't need to do this, folks believe me

<GEOTUS being Honest


I built a great company and I had a wonderful life I could have enjoyed

the fruits and benefit of years of successful business deals,

and businesses for myself my family

<Montage of things GEOTUS left behind.

>This is worth more than just “The World”, to Him.


Instead of going through this absolute horror show of

Lies deceptions malicious attacks…

<Colbert, John Oliver, so Late Night hosts.

>Former Daily Show folks who went to The Dark Side. Papa Bear is ashamed of them.


Who would have thought?

<GEOTUS says, pretending not to know already.


I'm doing it because this country

<Crowd pan/Older generation


has given me so much,

<Happy Other Lil’ Dude/Younger Generation

>Possible Barron changing his life reference.


and I felt so strongly

<GEOTUS praying

>Never thought he’d be THIS religious, didja?


that it’s my turn to give back to the country that I love

<GEOTUS holding up cute kid during rally. Non-pedo cheek plant before cute.

>The future chooses Trump.


I’m doing this for the people, and for the movement,

and we will take back this country for you,

and we will Make America Great Again.

<GEOTUS with hand up, as if giving an oath

>On Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN), who breaks news before the MSM.

>”We will take it back for you….” being a possible reference to the Q Group having planned this out years in advance.



<Real, not canned.

>#TrumpTheEstablishment… yyyyyyup.

>Remember, remember, the 8th of November.



Anonymous ID: 7445c1 March 13, 2019, 2:45 a.m. No.5656942   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6949


t'werz very tongue in cheek.

I may have been a tad sleep deprived…

Or reeeeeally really high on doing three whole covfefes.


Been so long since I done did that that I can't remember them circumstances…

And I'm not entirely sure I can tell the difference anymore, anyway.