Anonymous ID: 9e7deb March 13, 2019, 2:04 a.m. No.5656773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6835 >>6849 >>6873 >>6937 >>7000


Anon, can you fill me in on some stuff?

I don't have sauce for where she claimed to be born in Ohio or called herself an immigrant, so it's hard to compare that with what you found on the geneology source.

Are you suggesting she is of Armenian descent or might have been born overseas? What's the relevance?


Isn't it extremely common for 'spies' to have their web history scrubbed (nothing at all can be found), or altered, or false histories created by the Agency?

If there are discrepancies in her background, doesn't that suggest that either there's something the cabal wishes to hide in her background, and/or that she's some kind of a spy?


Just trying to reason about what's been presented in your post.

Anonymous ID: 9e7deb March 13, 2019, 2:15 a.m. No.5656816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6864 >>6888


>"cutouts" , it typically means a "front entity" companies or "at arms length subsidiaries… common term in espionage.

Thank you, anon.




Recall when Q mentioned Armenians?

In reference to where a lot of web traffic to/from QResearch was coming from?

Pic related. There are 4 mentions of Armenia (the 4th is in the list central banks).


Now my almonds are tickling.