Anonymous ID: 0749f6 March 13, 2019, 6:22 a.m. No.5658157   🗄️.is 🔗kun

[Overheard from the lair of a media addict]


Now there’s a thing called:

Social and Environmental Justice



By now, we know that Social Justice is nothing more than:

• Deliberate confusion with the very definition of Justice, to cover up injustice

• A new industry to make work for intellectual-yet-useful-idiots

• A mind-control tool to advance the totalitarian agenda, using the future enslaved

• The dance pole used in identity politics, to prop up esteems that SHOULD BE LOW!


Speculation on what this latest mind-control grenade Social and Environmental Justice

will be used for:


• To force people to hand over land to bureaucrats to manage

• To shame anyone properly managing their land into groupthink directions

• Imagine the march to force people to pay reparations “for the land”, managed by the usual suspects


And, the war for the minds and souls of all the people with souls continues…

Anonymous ID: 0749f6 March 13, 2019, 7 a.m. No.5658552   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More ironic use of authoritarian, yet another mind-control campaign in progress.


In an example of pure projection, media talking heads are throwing down a groupthink label on President Trump’s executive branch activities as being “authoritarian”, when the media Matrix and the entire establishment in opposition to the rule of law, demonstrates authoritarian arrogance daily!

<sorry, too busy to track down specific sauce but the latest magic word is out in the wild in the media>


When you assert that people MUST take your word seriously, MUST believe the bullshit, WITH NO FACTUAL BASIS, then THAT is being authoritarian, by definition: “Because I said so!”


Comfy watching the world wake up from the longest hangover in history!