Anonymous ID: 028413 March 13, 2019, 7:41 a.m. No.5659034   🗄️.is 🔗kun

alright listen up nignogs

Battle has two fronts: online presence 8ch/4ch/pol/voat

An then there is your normie freinds


(((They))) are in the news daily now. Start waking people up to the jewish supremacy issue. Prepare them.


Newsflash: its easier to redpill people on jewish privalege (note i did not say blood libel or holohoax or any other high power level topic) than all of the other conspiracy subjects you bring up. Constantly show them jewish privalege, as this is the start of the string that leads to the giant ball of (((yarn))) they dont want to look at. Most of you Patriots are above average and by some miracle just looked right at the ball an got to work. Now we gotta help everyone else realize the who is behind this.


Redpill everyone on the JQ and be smart about it. Proof is EVERYWHERE. Literally everywhere

Anonymous ID: 028413 March 13, 2019, 7:49 a.m. No.5659139   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Better check myself in somewhere for my morning coffee and weed addiction.

I get an excessive amount of boners too, not sure what that is all about. Cant be good though.