Anonymous ID: c50365 March 13, 2019, 7:14 a.m. No.5658690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9006 >>9144 >>9156 >>9251 >>9322 >>9328

will be three parts: newfag here, says too long: May be important:

PT: 1


ANONS: Long read but worth it: THIS DIG is BIG on BILL McGLASHEN: TPG GROWTH: One of the arrested college fraud. Lot’s of singing to save themselves will be afoot? I tried to point out in earlier bread, ( No.5655929 )no one even made a comment/post? So I dug a bit myself: OPERATION VARSITY BLUES Felicity Huffman Lori Loughlin the other arrests. THE OTHER ARRESTS are the bigger deal. THIS IS Q RELATED BIG TIME. PLEASE DIG. READ BELOW what I found. When you see clearer it is all connected, it seems it may be a leverage mechanism for dirty dirt to be given on others higher up? Who is going to save their own asses? Well, Bill McGlashan founder and managing partner of TPG Growth is just one of many arrested. LOOK at just a cursory dig what I came up with: TPG is a majority owner of CAA, the Hollywood agency for tons of celebrities. He may sing on a bunch of stuff due to this arrest as he is facing potentially 20 years. The connections are to everybody we Anons have on our radar, with the biggest link being ONE. “ONE Campaign” is about chairity. AIDS is huge . BONO is a cofounder. Passage of Government Policies is part of the agenda. The Clintons are very close. Bono is also cofounder of RED. ONE is sister organization. Connected to Bill Gates and The Queen of England as Bono is knighted. Operation Varsity Blues is a FIRST DOMINO. “Blues” is a hidden crumb meaning? Varsity is to make light that the top “varsity” will be blue as well as Obama phrase. The left is heavily involved if not all. Look at what I have found that is just a small look. And think why so many are silent today in Hollywood. Connect dots or dominos as they are about to fall. Search every person arrested on that list. Just look at a few things I found. Put on thinking caps. Always look at board members:

Anonymous ID: c50365 March 13, 2019, 7:15 a.m. No.5658700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8723 >>8755 >>8968 >>9156 >>9192 >>9354


  1. McGlashan Vanity Fair 2017 100 most influential people in politics, business and technology.2. He is CEO of The Rise Fund with BONO, yes U2 Bono with Richard Branson, yes Island owner Richard Branson Obamas swimming in the ocean bestie. Same Island that got “destroyed” in Hurricane. Weather weapon?

  2. TPG has $225M invested in the Hollywood CAA agency that manages massive amounts of celebrities. Influence over what they can and cannot do in their careers.

  3. The Rise Fund is super sketchy. Bono and Branson and Jeff Skoll.

  4. STX Entertainment Robert Simmonds is involved with this bunch.

  5. McGlashan is a Yale graduate. Any secret clubs?

  6. McGlashan is part of many non-profits including Endeavor Global and Gavin deBecker Associates. Gavin deBecker runs a security firm for the rich and powerful, 27 cities 7 countries. You may remember him from his very good book “The Gift of Fear “ that he wrote and Oprah touted as a favorite for her book club. He also advised her security. Still tight with Oprah . Oprah connected to David Geffen alleged super Pedo. Today, Gavin deBecker is building luxury suites for the rich and famous to not have to go to the “regular sheep/cattle” “arm-pit airport people” terminals. It is called ”THE PRIVATE SUITE” $4500 a year + $2700-$3000 per flight to skip lines and be driven directly up to the plane. Lot’s of privacy. Free condoms and a Toy menu. Similar setups worldwide. HMMM? Security is lax for the Elites, this is a private waiting terminal built just for wealthy travellers flying in and out of LAX. All about minimizing UNWANTED interaction and ensures there is only one group of travellers moving through TSA at any given time. HMMM? Private customs area and currency-exchange. Again HMMM? UNSEEN Suite employees personally deliver your luggage to airline employee.



Anonymous ID: c50365 March 13, 2019, 7:16 a.m. No.5658706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9156 >>9322 >>9328

PT: 3


  1. McGlashan CAA connections will bring to mind Allysa Milano as well. Her husband Dave Bugluri is an agent at CAA. Well, did you know that TDS sufferer Allysa Milano (Bugluri) son Milo has a Godfather who just happens to @Jack Dorsey…….yes Twitter @Jack.

  2. McGlashen, Milano, #Meetoo, Harvey Weinstein, Rose McGowan, Anthony Bourdain, Asia Argento, her dad a pedo, @Jack a Pedo, deBecker private planes lax security measures, BONO, Richard Branson, Islands, Clintons, ONE Campaign charity. All roads lead to ONE. Search everything with ONE in the name, you’ll see ONE means something. By the way they hate God and “ONE” is just one of God’s names. They pervert it.

  3. Board members as you go later down the connections at ONE Campaign: Sheryl Sandberg, Bobby Shriver, David Cameron, Kelly Ayotte, Morton Halperin, Susan Buffett.

  4. Robert Zangrillo also arrested CEO DRAGON Global, investment company that says it has managed more than $1B in companies that now have over $500 billion market value including Facebook, Twitter, Uber . HMMM? FB and Twitter…starting to see links? DRAGON GLOBAL is it’s name. HMMM? Dragon is another term for Satan. FB, TWITTER, all the players.

  5. ONE Campaign is a play one who they are and agenda. They are all involved…….one big dirty swamp. You can even track Jussie Smollett, his sister to ONE Campaign. There is so much to dig on the just from the Operation Varsity Blues. The “one” name that I dug on Bill McGlashen got me all of these related connections. All tied to CHARITIES. Strange names of companies and connected to the suspected Pedos as you look at the ONE Octopus “tentacles”. By the way Hillary wears a chunky gold ring that if you look super close, very magnified is octopus . Octopuses have eight arms, tentacles spread wide, if an arm is lost it can be regenerated. Hillary Clinton sometimes wears a chunky gold ring that if you do a close up is a Octopus tentacles /suckers. Coincidence? The Blue Ringed Octopus is known to be the most deadly.


  1. Blue, ringed, deadly, tentacles. Blue=the left. Ringed=like a mafia organization. Deadly=obvious to anons. Tentacles=insidious spread of influence and control. Blue ringed squirts black INK in order to escape predators, just like the Fake News MSM uses fake (INK writing their stories, media INK) to hide all of these players. These octopuses change color dramatically when threatened.

  2. Dangerous to humans if provoked. So it is going to get good. Enjoy the show.




will need PT:4

Anonymous ID: c50365 March 13, 2019, 7:17 a.m. No.5658724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8815 >>8857 >>9156 >>9192 >>9322 >>9328

PT :4

Milano/Dorsey: Fiction? According to LA Weekly, “Milano was inspired by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, who is also her son's godfather," According to LA Weekly, “Milano was inspired by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, who is also her son's godfather," which again is problematic to Coleman. “The fact that Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey was a model from which she was working is an affront to those who hack and are in jail like Jeremy Hammond,” wrote Coleman. Hammond, for those unfamiliar, was part of the hacking collective LulzSec (the AntiSec offshoot) and imprisoned after FBI informant Sabu turned him in. Hammond has also implied he hacked into foreign government websites under the direction of Sabu, and by proxy the US Government. Hammond is currently serving 10 years in prison, with no amnesty granted for work he unwittingly did for the government.

I’m very involved with global activism and philanthropy. I like the idea of everyday people doing good,' says Alyssa, who has revealed the concept came from the secret life she likes to believe Twitter and Square creator Jack Dorsey lives. 'I picture him leaving the office at night and going home, where he locks himself in his room and starts hacking to change the world.'

CUNT HRC movies titles and book picture: She thinks we are stupid:

continued :


The genesis of the Private Suite came from the world of security—specifically, Gavin de Becker & Associates (GDBA), a leading global security firm that has for decades provided public figures, billionaires, celebrities and CEOs with protection, logistical support, threat assessment and other services. “A huge part of that work involves getting clients into and out of places safely and efficiently, and as you might expect, U.S. airports are one of the most challenging places to navigate,” says Joshua Gausman, chief operating officer of GDBA and cofounder of the Private Suite. In researching the issue, GDBA found that international airports in Europe, Asia and the Middle East had developed workable solutions to address these issues for travelers flying commercially—so they worked to create a similar model in Los Angeles, targeted to their discerning, high-end clientele.

A lot can be can be traced to Bill McGlashen.

Now dig further withthe entire list:



Anonymous ID: c50365 March 13, 2019, 7:37 a.m. No.5658971   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"art" world, from L.A. dad newspapers, famous friends Paris Hilton, Nicky Hilton Rothschild, suupplies kids to pedos, may have accidentally had security camera footage on her cell or Instagram of Epstein Island Tnnels, still pic seemed to show naked people at tables with dead bodies, either cutting up the bodies like a meat factory or eating them. Pics were taken of the crumb board, but dig and you will see it. She is also linked to many "models" that appear to be very unhealthy and sickly, but called "artsy". Many in degrading situations and sexual and many are POC. She is a huge link to Orgy Island /Epstein Island and tunnels.

Anonymous ID: c50365 March 13, 2019, 7:42 a.m. No.5659044   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I am making shit of the bread……..but if all together it is important……it is getting overlooked. Better anons with eyes to see will get it. I hope someone pastes it up…….I am trying, but it is looking bad. Infor is good.

Anonymous ID: c50365 March 13, 2019, 7:54 a.m. No.5659188   🗄️.is 🔗kun


when the elite used to living a high life is faced with real jail time, the massive change of living will scare the shit out of many…..time will tell, but this guy is connected to so much.

Anonymous ID: c50365 March 13, 2019, 7:57 a.m. No.5659230   🗄️.is 🔗kun


posted this to the wrong poster….this was for you:

when the elite used to living a high life is faced with real jail time, the massive change of living in a jail cell will scare the shit out of many…..time will tell, but this guy is connected to so much…he may see an escape hatch and implicate others?

Anonymous ID: c50365 March 13, 2019, 8:01 a.m. No.5659280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9306 >>9336


i have a lot more other topics, afraid to post due to not understanding the board very well. messy, i will keep going…..apoogies for the learnig curve, but want to be timely instead of just thinking it with no one to see/hear it.

Anonymous ID: c50365 March 13, 2019, 8:04 a.m. No.5659329   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you guys are not real faggots as the MSM might say….you guys are newfags frens

so many of us want to dig and drain the swamp, thanks for not kicking me out with laughter and rejection!

Anonymous ID: c50365 March 13, 2019, 8:06 a.m. No.5659359   🗄️.is 🔗kun


by the way, I wake up seeing this stuff after praying the night before. prayer works. I just follow a gut feeling……that is Gods still small voice. ask Q