Mc Dill AFB is busy in central FL today. I can not open my eyes because the tears are jelly. My head has been pounding for 3 days because they have been doing this for days now. TODAY is different. The wind is kicking up something fierce! There are literally 5 -8 planes spraying at once at any given minute. WHO IS CREATING A WEATHER SITUATION? Cabal? Floridians are suffering. PLEASE POTUS/Q do something about this. NO GRASS FOR the GOATS AND COWS because no rain… THIS IS FLORIDA!!!!!
if there is a reason for this continued Chemtrail spraying /geo-engineering please let us know. thank you for all your doing but please stop this, then you have my support 100% Not till then>>5659588
>>5659588 IS THERE SOMETHING WE ARE NOT BEING TOLD? Why this Geo-engineering continues when Potus says he stopped the program!?