Singapore Officially Backs a CryptoCurrency and Establishes it as Their Official Coin.
Spriha Srivastava | @spriha
Published 2:04 AM ET Mon, 24 January 2019 Updated 8:14 AM ET Mon, 24 January 2019–s7Vcjk0WZ-opvwskby59YW0YBo7NOYQOrmD0bI2qQ98VLIdZkZVeNcwB91Irq1EjLwHhD10UDr6qCejTTWfoqatrJnmrJHNjus0TcrMDCFhXDRbPz36RxbNE3qoBt2FwBp3HZuLgPsGf1yWRGI6UzcI50emn7KrvpLUPY-n&cid=117604&adid=2259162&did=315265&user=%5Buid%5D&cpc=0.1500
Comcast outbids Fox by $3.6 billion in a three-round auction process
It’s finally happened. A major worldwide government has just bestowed a huge vote of confidence and legitimacy onto the world of cryptocurrencies. Singapore, in an unprecedented move, just announced that they are officially adopting a certain cryptocurrency as Singapore’s official coin!