How did HRC get access to SAP / SCI programs on her personal server?
Well.. given that BHO was also using that email addy, he would have had to acknowledge or approve it. USSS would have checked on his phones and approved that comm line just like Trump and Twatter.
SAP / SCI control is under the ODNI.. Clapper would have had to authorize or approve the security of her server if it was properly authorized.
Further, the SAP program itself would have had to approve her access and how information was to be accessed / transmitted / stored (eg, outside of a SCIF).
Temporary SCIFs can be set up, but expire or must be re-authorized by ODNI. Permanent SCIFs even have to go through periodic checks. There would be records of her server, her house, her bathroom server location being reviewed and approved IF it was legit.
Follow the logic? Comey would have had no problem exhonerating her IF such review documents existed and more than just Comey would know about it.. the fact that they even had to look through the emails to detect classified info tells you there was no such certification of her server or location as a SCIF.
Therefore, even 1 email that should have been marked SCIF / SAP under info classification scheme would place her in jail for violating several laws because she never ever did have such approval to have a SCIF.
I will post more info in a minute about this.