Anonymous ID: be30ae March 6, 2018, 4:02 p.m. No.572228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6833 >>5909

These are very well done. Cleanly crafted, concise, and good original artwork. I do however have some minor constructive criticism/suggestions (technically more of a nitpick for completionist's sake). All designed to comply with the heart and general theme of the material.


  1. Since the war against the satanic cabal/deep state is global in nature, it feels a bit out of place to not have a "foreign good guy/ally" faction. This includes foreign leaders who are also fighting the cabal, foreign investigative journalists, etc. The Assange card would probably fit better under this grouping. Which brings me to the next topic.


  1. Since these cards are heavily influenced by Magic the Gathering, I'm sincerely surprised that Green is not represented. We could use Green to represent the "Allies" grouping suggested above, ie the Assange card. This suggestion makes thematic sense since like Blue, Green is an ally color to White.


Card ideas:


Pizzagate Investigators: White/Green (refer to the hybrid cards in Magic). Detective, Patriot/Ally (they are multinational). "Citizen investigators dedicated to exposing human trafficking/pedophilia rings of the cabal".


Ben Garrison: White. Cartoonist. Patriot. Artist allied to the truth.


Pizzagate: Red (or black?) Political Scandal. "Scandal involving human trafficking and pedophile rings within the deep state and elites.


George Soros. Ravager. Black. Traitor. "Fake Philantropist who undermines the society and economy of many countries."

Anonymous ID: be30ae April 2, 2018, 3:33 p.m. No.871928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4547

Idea for a MAGA the Gathering card:


PG Investigator.


Color: White/Blue


Type: Human Detective


Don't really understand a lot regarding Magic though. The basic idea behind this card is that its poor in combat but very good against black and stealth.


What properties and effects would a detective have in Magic (stuff relating to exposing evil/crimes, undermining stealth, etc).