Awesome Memes Anon.
Could you do something for Twatter fags? Combine some side by side (if main idea is from a single Q post or topic). Have to be twice as wide as they are high. Would make for easy download and distribute.
Awesome Memes Anon.
Could you do something for Twatter fags? Combine some side by side (if main idea is from a single Q post or topic). Have to be twice as wide as they are high. Would make for easy download and distribute.
Without doxxing yourself what kind of engagement rate do you get (% wise)?
Mine is a few percentage points or less. Seems low (especially with media that needs to be expanded for full effect). Seems to be a cap on how many people can see my tweets.
When InternetBillOfRights arrives it will be an awesome wave of anons.
Great work Patriot. Keep it up.
I DO NOT TRUST the numbers from Twatter. @Jack needs to be dealt with. Sounds like he has outlasted what Q expected.
I am small time, only been on twitter since fall. Only joined to follow Trump tweets. He is so the BOSS. I am enjoying the show.
Loving the cards. Keep 'em fresh Anons.
They are still in full control of social media. Waiting for the tipping point. It will be glorious.