The Dems want to hide the millions from the Public scamming the system ….. So No census …..But yes to Vote for more free bees
They want the Public to believe that the little illegal immigrant has a say so in Elections …Until you realize there are over 100 million which can sway an election ….Keep the American sheep asleep ….So no counting illegals
We will fill cities with illegals you will never know about then permit them to vote and do away with Electorak college voting ….. The most votes wins
Dems will Argue the most votes win …That a true democracy not Electoral college and a republic …. Cities filled with illegals who vote and down goes the republic
Think of this …The President proposed to give safety to Daca and dreamers ….The Dems said No ….Why ? Illegals will apply to stay …. You will see how many millions of illegals there really are ,..Shhhhh… Nobody wants that cat out of the bag