In linux (pr windows command line) use ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -i [infile] -vcodec libx264 -y -profile:v baseline -shortest -movflags +faststart [outfile.mp4]
In linux (pr windows command line) use ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -i [infile] -vcodec libx264 -y -profile:v baseline -shortest -movflags +faststart [outfile.mp4]
>Do you think that would help sales of China's alternative?
Maybe in Asian Markets and in China.
From what I gather there's Airbus & Boeing, and b/w these two western market is more or less entirely distributed (save Fokker, BAE, Bombardier, small planes).
Russia builds good planes, China is relatively new ….
For now, I'd think they'd be crazy to aim for serious international competition with those above.