Anonymous ID: 887612 March 13, 2019, 4:25 p.m. No.5667348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7365 >>7420 >>7797 >>7892

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik Calls on AG Bill Barr to Investigate Corrupt Manhattan DA Cy Vance Following Today’s Hit on Manafort


Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik called for Attorney General Bill Barr to launch an investigation into the corrupt Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance following his indictment of Paul Manafort.


“This is the greatest demonstration yet of a politically motivated and corrupt District Attorney Cy Vance who pre-announced his intent, then coordinated with Mueller’s team to insure that Manafort dies in prison. The US Attorney General MUST investigate,” Bernard Kerik said in a tweet on Wednesday.

Anonymous ID: 887612 March 13, 2019, 4:29 p.m. No.5667401   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How States/Empires Collapse In Four Easy Steps


The promises cannot be met, and so society decays into warring elites and competing constituencies.


There is a grand, majestic tragedy in the inevitable collapse of once-thriving states and empires: it all seemed so permanent at its peak, so godlike in its power, and then slowly but surely, too many grandiose, unrealistic promises were made to too many elites and constituencies, and then as growth decays to stagnation, the only way to maintain the status quo is to appear to meet all the promises by creating money out of thin air, i.e. debauching the currency.


This political expediency works most wonderfully for a time: people don't realize the silver content of their coinage is being cut to near-zero, or there's nothing holding up the value of their currency but trickery and vague allusions to past glory.


Trust in the state/empire's currency suddenly collapses in a phase shift: all seems well until the moment the avalanche sweeps it all away.


It's a simple progression: during the permanent-growth-is-our-birthright phase of self-reinforcing virtuous cycles, when everything is expanding rapidly–credit, resources, jobs, capital, profits, state tax revenues, etc.–promises are made to elites and constituencies that look easy to meet as the economy is projected to expand rapidly essentially forever.


But virtuous cycles decay to unvirtuous cycles of bureaucratic sclerosis and corruption, systemic friction, declining productivity and resource depletion, and the rise of parasitic elites who contribute nothing but skim plenty saps the surplus available for productive reinvestment.


Every elite under pressure to satisfy the demands of those who were over-promised in the good times reverts to the same two financial fixes: debt and currency debasement. First the state borrows and borrows and borrows, all under the belief that "the government can't go broke because it issues its own money."


Any rationalization will do in the phase of stagnation, but the reality is it's all political expediency: lacking the resources to pay all the promises, the state borrows from the future to maintain the illusion of stability.


Alas, the future arrives, and the interest on the debt begins stripmining tax revenues needed to fund the essential responsibilities of the state/empire. At this point, the ruling elites pursue two equally fatal fixes: they raise taxes on the remaining productive class while the parastic elites pay little or nothing, and they devalue the currency so they can continue to pay the promised sums with less actual wealth.


The productive class either escapes to other climes, goes underground or opts out. As tax revenues fall, the ruling elites turn in desperation to debauching the state currency, in effect issuing 10 units of currency for every 1 unit of actual purchasing power.


This maintains the fiction that the promises are being met, but the purchasing power of the currency erodes so drastically that the parasitic elites and the constituencies eventually catch on and demand a full payment of what was promised back in good times.


This demand cannot be met, and so society decays into warring elites and competing constituencies. The only real solution–to make severe sacrifices in order to live within the modest means available and jettison the parasitic elites–is politically and culturally unpalatable to a citizenry steeped in a belief that good times should be forever and it's the fault of the ruling party of the moment rather than a failure of the entire system.


Then the "free" distribution of bread and circuses ramps up and the silver shipped to phantom legions defending the borders ends up in the quartermasters' pockets. The delusional state of the ruling elite infects the general populace, and magical thinking abounds, as do vague claims to future greatness based on the mythologies of previous eras that had earned prosperity with sacrifice and thrift.


The entire global status quo is in the stagnation phase, and the promises that cannot be met are looming large. And so the politically expedient ruling elites turn to debt and financial trickery to stave off the reckoning. This works for a few years but it guarantees the coming collapse.

Anonymous ID: 887612 March 13, 2019, 4:36 p.m. No.5667548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7797 >>7892

US Regime Change Blueprint Proposed Venezuelan Electricity Blackouts as ‘Watershed Event’ for ‘Galvanizing Public Unrest’


The US-funded CANVAS organization that trained Juan Guaido and his allies produced a 2010 memo on exploiting electricity outages and urged the opposition “to take advantage of the situation…towards their needs”


A September 2010 memo by a US-funded soft power organization that helped train Venezuelan coup leader Juan Guaido and his allies identifies the potential collapse of the country’s electrical sector as “a watershed event” that “would likely have the impact of galvanizing public unrest in a way that no opposition group could ever hope to generate.”


The memo has special relevance today as Guaido moves to exploit nationwide blackouts caused by a major failure at the Simon Bolivar Hydroelectric Plant at Guri dam – a crisis that Venezuela’s government blames on US sabotage.


It was authored by Srdja Popovic of the Center for Applied Non-Violent Action and Strategies (CANVAS), a Belgrade-based “democracy promotion” organization funded by the US government that has trained thousands of US-aligned youth activists in countries where the West seeks regime change.


This group reportedly hosted Guaido and the key leaders of his Popular Will party for a series of training sessions, fashioning them into a “Generation 2007” determined to foment resistance to then-President Hugo Chavez and sabotage his plans to implement “21st century socialism” in Venezuela.


Wikileaks proof Venezuela is a C_A regime change plan

Link to 2010 Memo:

Anonymous ID: 887612 March 13, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.5667602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7667 >>7685 >>7712

Privileged much? – list of people charged in the College Admissions and Testing Bribery Scheme




Dozens of individuals involved in a nationwide conspiracy that facilitated cheating on college entrance exams and the admission of students to elite universities as purported athletic recruits were arrested by federal agents in multiple states and charged in documents unsealed on March 12, 2019, in federal court in Boston. Athletic coaches from Yale, Stanford, USC, Wake Forest and Georgetown, among others, are implicated, as well as parents and exam administrators.


Individuals who have questions or inquries about this case may send an email to the following address:


Below is a list of the defendants. The charging documents are attached at the bottom of this page.


Rest in links


Download center_complaint.pdf

Download complaint.pdf

Download indictment.pdf

Download meredith_information.pdf

Download riddell_information.pdf

Download singer_information.pdf

Download vandemoer_information.pdf

Download sidoo_redacted_indictment.pdf

Anonymous ID: 887612 March 13, 2019, 4:41 p.m. No.5667619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7797 >>7892

Fire crews extinguish blaze at Venezuela oil refinery


Firefighters in Venezuela put out a blaze in a storage tank at an oil refinery that was caused by lightning on Sunday and led to the evacuation of people living nearby, a top official at state oil company PDVSA said.


Thunderstorms this weekend have drenched much of the South American OPEC nation, which has suffered repeated accidents at its oil refineries in recent years. Lightning bolts ignited two storage tanks at a different refinery just last year.


No one was hurt in the fire, but residents within a 1 km (0.6 mile) radius were moved away from the scene while fire crews fought the blaze in a downpour at the 187,000 barrel-per-day (bpd) Puerto La Cruz facility in the eastern state of Anzoategui.


“The fire has been completely extinguished,” Asdrubal Chavez, PDVSA’s vice president for refining, told state TV.


He congratulated the fire crews for their “sustained effort which allowed us to control this important fire in record time.”


Separately, PDVSA said operations at its 146,000-bpd El Palito refinery had been stopped on Sunday by a power cut that was also a result of the torrential rains.


President Nicolas Maduro said earlier on Twitter that he was in direct communication with the teams tackling the blaze at Puerto La Cruz. Officials stressed that the evacuation of homes around the refinery was just a precaution.


In one of the global oil industry’s worst accidents for decades, a gas leak caused an explosion and fire last year at Venezuela’s giant 645,000-bpd Amuay oil refinery that killed more than 40 people and wrecked hundreds of nearby houses.


The country became a net gasoline importer last year, largely because the Amuay disaster forced PDVSA to import fuels to meet domestic demand.


Maduro’s predecessor, the late Hugo Chavez, nationalized most of the oil industry during his 14-year rule and used export revenue from high prices to fund generous social programs that ranged from subsidized groceries to brand-new apartments.


Critics say PDVSA has been mismanaged as a result and has suffered from under-investment that they blame for a string of accidents and unplanned stoppages at its facilities.


In two very similar incidents less than a month apart last year, lightning set fire to two separate storage tanks at the El Palito refinery. No one was hurt in either case.

Anonymous ID: 887612 March 13, 2019, 4:42 p.m. No.5667634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7686 >>7889

Dick’s Goes Soft Again, Pulling (Guns) Out Of 125 Stores


Last year, Dick’s Sporting Goods yanked guns from 10 of it’s stores and prohibited the sale of ‘assault rifles’ across the board after the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Now, they’ve made the decision to remove all guns and hunting equipment from 125 of it’s locations.


From Fox Business;


The in-store sections will be replaced with “merchandise categories that can drive growth,” (CEO Ed Stack) said.


Following a shooting in Florida in February 2018 that left 17 students and staff dead, Dick’s hiked the minimum age to purchase a gun to 21 and prohibited the sale of AR-15 style rifles.


While Stack previously predicted it would bring in new customers, the decision has led to a decline in earnings in the firm’s hunting business.


In the three months through Feb. 2, declines in the sector drove a 3.7 percent drop in same-store sales. Overall, sales dropped 6.5 percent to $2.5 billion, the company said on Tuesday. Profits fell to $694 million, or adjusted to $1.22 per share – higher than analysts expected.


While sales are down, someone is still buying their merchandise. It isn’t us, and it probably isn’t you. Dick’s Sporting Goods and Field & Stream locations are (and have been) off-limits to serious gun owners.

Anonymous ID: 887612 March 13, 2019, 4:44 p.m. No.5667672   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Forgotten Syrian Christian Towns Under Attack on Border with Idleb and Northern Hama


Two days ago I was in the Syrian Christian town of Al Skeilbiyyeh that has endured sustained attacks from the various terrorist groups backed by the U.S Coalition. These groups are embedded in the countryside bordering Al Skeilbiyyeh. In the last two weeks they have targeted schools, residential areas and civilian districts with 25 rockets/GRAD missiles, causing significant material damage to homes and infrastructure. Children have been told they cannot go to school during these precarious times.


I met with the courageous commander of the volunteer National Defence Forces in this beautiful town, Nabel Alabdalla – and he took me to see the devastation caused by just one rocket that decimated a neighbourhood.


#AlSkeilbiyyeh and the neighbouring town of Mhardeh represent the brave resistance of these besieged peoples against violent and brutal sectarianism and extremism. They are the light in the darkness that has been introduced into their land by the imperialist predators. God bless them and protect them.


Full transcript of Nabel Alabdalla’s words:


“This time, the rockets that landed on this area were unusual and very destructive. We think they have used C4 or another prohibited explosive because this extent of destruction is not from a normal GRAD rocket


This is the result of the Gulf blood money and Erdogan’s policy, his treacherous policy. International mercenaries are targeting civilians in the steadfast city of al-Skeilbiyyeh to drive us from this land.


We send a message to the world that we are staying on this land no matter what they do, we will remain steadfast with the determination of the heroic Syrian Arab army


Our people confirm this because they will stay in their homes neighbouring the international terrorism that is gathered in the countryside of Idleb. We confirm that we always carry the candles of love and peace in one hand and the other hand is on the trigger, we will not leave this land.


Look, there are children toys here, there are homes here, what else is here? Is there a military base here? Where is Europe about this? Why is the Vatican silent? Why is the international community silent and the “humanitarian organisations? Would they accept this landing on their homes?


He worked in Lebanon for 4 years, collecting pennies to build this house, for 4 years. Is he a terrorist? Look at his face, is he a militant? What is he? Why are they targeting him? They are cowards.


They made people homeless


Look, it was not a usual rocket that caused all this destruction


Here the rocket landed. This may collapse, don’t stand on it.


This the level of destruction of one rocket, this is not a usual rocket, look there, it has severed a concrete pillar, scraped the iron bars here, destroyed this house, destroyed that house, it has destroyed two neighborhoods – one rocket.


These are unusual rockets, they have modified them with C4 fillers. The criminals of the world supported by Erdogan, by the American intelligence and by the Gulf blood money want to displace us from this land.


We can assure everyone that we are staying on this land with the determination of the heroic Syrian Arab Army, and the protection of the Virgin Mary. We are not going anywhere, and with the determination of the heroes – our steadfast civilian people – they are showing all levels of steadfastness


We hope for unequivocal support for our civilians to maintain resistance and steadfastness on this Holy Land. We affirm the resistance and we will remain steadfast. We will not move from this land, no matter what they do.


Here we are now, and the launching site is visible. There it is, Tall Othman. There it is … look at the destruction.


International terrorism is gathered in Idleb… we want a solution for this terrorism… it will transfer to Europe, to America and to the world.


The Christian genocide continues

Anonymous ID: 887612 March 13, 2019, 4:45 p.m. No.5667689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7797 >>7884 >>7892

'CIA link' to brazen raid on North Korean embassy in Spain on eve of Vietnam summit



Spanish investigators believe that two assailants who broke into the North Korean embassy in Madrid last month and took hostages have links to the CIA, according to reports.


None of the 10 individuals who broke into the embassy before tying up and beating staff as they looked for information on computers have been caught.


But sources from the investigation told the Spanish newspaper El País that they been able to identify several of the attackers from video evidence.


Although the majority of the assailants who sped away in two of the embassy’s cars before vanishing have been identified as Koreans, two of the group “have been recognised by Spanish secret services as being linked with the CIA”, El País reported on Wednesday.


According to the newspaper, members of the investigation by the National Police and Spain’s CNI secret service contacted the CIA to ask for an explanation of possible US involvement in the break-in. The response, according to Spanish government sources, was “unconvincing”.

Anonymous ID: 887612 March 13, 2019, 4:50 p.m. No.5667754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7797 >>7802 >>7852 >>7892

Erdogan lashes out at Netanyahu as tyrant, child murderer


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu a “tyrant” who kills Palestinian children, as a heated war of words between the two officials continues.


“Hey Netanyahu, behave yourself. You are a tyrant, you are a tyrant who massacred seven-year-old Palestinian children,” Erdogan told supporters in capital Ankara.


The remarks were a direct response to Netanyahu's attacks earlier in the day, who called the Turkish head of state a “dictator” and “a joke” who put journalists in jail.


The fiery exchanges began a day earlier, when Turkey denounced Netanyahu for his “blatant racism" against Arab Israelis after the rightist premier said the occupied Palestinian territories only belonged to the Jewish people and not all citizens.


“Turkey’s dictator Erdogan attacks Israel’s democracy while Turkish journalists and judges fill his prisons,” Netanyahu wrote in an Instagram post. “What a joke!”


In his remarks on Wednesday, Erdogan pointed to Israel's ongoing violent crackdown on Palestinians in Jerusalem al-Quds, denouncing Israeli security forces for entering a “holy place.”


“Do not provoke. Look, we have not oppressed any of the Jews in this country. We have not done anything you did to any synagogues here. Don’t provoke us. We will not fall into this trap,” he warned Netanyahu.


Ibrahim Kalin, Erdogan's spokesman, also reacted to Netanyahu's attacks, saying the Israeli PM was mad at Erdogan “for exposing him.


“The apartheid state he leads occupies Palestinian lands, kills women & children & imprisons Palestinians in their own land,” he wrote. "Lies and pressure will not hide your crimes."


Meanwhile, Turkish Presidency Communications Director Fahrettin Altun also lashed out on Wednesday at remarks by Israel's prime minister targeting the Turkish leader.


"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results," Altun said, referring to a well-known quote from renowned scientist Albert Einstein.

Anonymous ID: 887612 March 13, 2019, 4:56 p.m. No.5667878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7924


>>>5667754 Turkey attacks Netanyahu and quotes his 'legal troubles'. PapaD fingered Turkey for their involvement in SpyGate.


Baker this is a misrepresentation of the article, wtf? Are you protecting Israel?

Anonymous ID: 887612 March 13, 2019, 4:59 p.m. No.5667914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7942


Pretty simple we are about to find out whether Trump and US gov are for Israel or the US.


For Israel = WW3 slavery anti-Christ

For US = Peace, clean up the world end of state of Israel