Anonymous ID: b188cd March 13, 2019, 4:24 p.m. No.5667331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7349 >>7361 >>7408


Start stacking if you haven't already. While clowns may have assets confiscated, the innocent citizens will be able to keep their wealth. The EO says the funds/assets can be confiscated from those committing severe human abuses and/or economic corruption/crimes. The more metal held in the hands of patriots, the better. The innocent citizens & patriots holding metal will increase their purchasing power after the transition and hopefully be able to better influence the world. POTUS will take on this task before he leaves office, so 6 years max. It is highly unlikely it lasts that long though…POTUS should be in office for the transition and have time to guide us through the beginning of the next system. The banksters have manipulated precious metals prices as economic propaganda that made their fiat system seem healthy/sustainable.


However, the new Basel III regulations kick in April 1 and the physical metal will be considered Tier 1 with 0% risk, but the paper metal contracts will not. The central banks are currently acquiring metal quietly in the background and it may come to the forefront as regulations take place. Considering there is a fractional reserve gold/silver lending scheme and a massive amount of paper metal contracts adding to artificial supply, the physical metal will likely see shortages. As a result, people & banks may decide they are willing to jump in at a current price, but there will be no1 willing to sell them real metal at the paper price. Paper metal may be easy to come by, but who cares. The point of metal is that it's not paper.


The RothsChild-Diddlers run the BIS, which sets the Basel rules. Basel III was enacted in 2012, but did not kick in until April 1, 2019. This may be how gold will (eventually) destroy the Fed. The RothsChild-Diddlers expected Hillary to be president and hoped to take advantage of a currency crisis they created. Instead, the world was blessed with President Trump who entered as the peoples' champion. We now have the gold (it had been stolen and squandered) and therefore can survive and maybe thrive through the transition. POTUS has been bringing back factories and acquiring gold/silver to build the country's economic foundation (military engineers opening the Pebble Project mines in Alaska). Without this, more people may have died from starvation and riots than in a world war. The supply chains chains could of locked up and others may not be willing to sell goods to people who don't have honest money. POTUS stated multiple times that they wanted to turn us into Venezuela. All the pieces were in place to pull the pin on the country, but POTUS rope-a-doped these stupid fuckers and now no one is safe.

Anonymous ID: b188cd March 13, 2019, 4:26 p.m. No.5667361   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No deals when dealing with scum like this. Just like ISIS just found out, you can make a deal with the USA and give us your gold…..but the good people over the entire globe (USA is only 7% of world population) also hates this scum. Assad, Russia, and Iran did not want ISIS as a neighbor and took care of it themselves…as they should. Not only did ISIS lose their gold without smuggling it out or hiding in caves and such, but they also lost their lives. Play with fire and you get burned.


The Fed just put the Chairman Powell on 60minutes, which hasn't happened since about 2011. Q said the Fed was going to try to pull the rug out on the markets this month, although the Patriots are prepared for it/will counter. It's possible we need to meme the accomplishments of POTUS at this time because the Fed will try to blame the crash they created on him. However, POTUS has done nothing, but help build the country's economic foundation and is is not a fault for any of the problems the banksters and past administrations have created. Instead of the creeps crashing our system and going to war to scoop up all the assets afterwards, POTUS has hijacked their plan. We still will have consequences as a result of decades of corruption and malinvestment, but it will not be as severe and will allow for healing to take place. It is better to be taught a lesson via the pocket book than lose of lives via starvation and war.


We should embrace the economic transition instead of fearing it. Our current system enables the elite creeps to rape our children and steal our wealth. They can buy countless slaves and fight endless wars with money hot off the printing press or with the push of a few 0's on a keyboard. They can't print gold and therefore the creeps resent it. The have thrived of thew booms and busts they created over 1000's of years of monetary control. Putting humans on an honest money system would unleash their potential innovations and revalue the human life. You would work to thrive, not simply to get by as seen in the end stages of fiat systems.


Save in precious metals and bet that the good guys will win or continue powering a system that enables creeps to rape children to death…that is literally the situation we are in. This is the plan not only to kick the moneychangers from the temples, but to remove them from power entirely.

Anonymous ID: b188cd March 13, 2019, 4:43 p.m. No.5667657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7731


You are an exceptionally dumb. For starters:


-Governments do hold gold, but they also hold printing presses. Printing presses can whip up as much currency out of nothing as they want. Gold has to be earned to be spent


-Gold itself is manipulated only because paper representatives are considered actual supply after the bankers created a futures market to suppress metals with


-Gold does not allow governments to go into perpetual debt and keeps bankers on a leash


-Would you rather have nothing in a fair system or a system controlled by satanic pedos?


-You lose…and you always will because you're spineless and moronic.

Anonymous ID: b188cd March 13, 2019, 4:51 p.m. No.5667774   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Banks suppress precious metals as a form of monetary propaganda. The precious metals are manipulated to keep the pedo-paper fiat currency system looking healthy,/sustainable. Gold shall destroy the Fed and kick the moneychangers from the temple as a result.