Anonymous ID: 5c39e5 March 13, 2019, 6:01 p.m. No.5669023   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Dear LORD, let those who are suffering at the hands of the wicked be comforted and find strength for they will soon be free. Let those who are freed speak openly and truthfully for all to hear. Let their words make 'mountains' crumble and go crashing back into the sea. Let those who would find pleasure from harming children in ANY way be met with a swift fury in whichever way you deem just. let the victims draw strength from their suffering, rather than weakness. Let them use their new strength to use against their captors. Expose the evil so that nobody can deny it. We are ready, Lord. We are ready to purge these sick Luciferians and those MEN who believe themselves to be Gods from this Earth, never to return. For the secret is ours now. The power is ours. The LIGHT is ours.


KEK! They really think themselves to be Gods.

The believe us to be the feeders because they believe we only have what we are given.

Or that we only know what we are told.


They STILL don't get it!

GOD provides something more real that their RETARDED fairy tales. They think they can tell whats going to happen by observing the cosmos.

God controls the cosmos.