Alright, now why the word "lolita" be crossed out. So "lolita" is defined as "A seductive adolescent girl" (that is fucking disgusting by the way that dictionaries literally are using this definition and it is not considered slang).
So that clearly means it was both boys and girls which we already knew - Checked
Epstein, Clinton, Actors, Royals - We knew this - Checked
We know about the flight records - Checked
"This is not just about sex trafficking [1]." - Now this is important and what my eyes focus on as it is out of place - OPEN
"Will the rich & powerful influence the court to prevent the unsealing?" - Every real anon is petrified of this outcome and everyday causes further tension as they had decades to own everything. Is Q signaling that we may find those connected to legal proceedings within the flight records? May be worth the time to double check all names - OPEN
"[1] - Sex Resort (non_temple_resort_only) trafficked & drugged underage girls" Bracket 1 connects to "… not just about" so this effectively finishes that sentence but it adds focus on trafficking DRUGS as well. Therefore we must consider global drug cartels may be what he is drawing attention to. We all know those issues are linked but Q is clearly drawing attention to something very specific, need to determine what it is.
"[2] - Occult / Worship of Evil (temple) [CLAS 1-99]" We know about the "worship" but Clas 1-99 is OPEN so need to dig more on that. I wish Q would give us some… actually I will just ask… Q can you give us indication of EXACT worship so we can draw up an EXACT history report, dossiers and connections? It would really help if you could somehow hint to or just flat out tell us something that could finally end the debate on the exact worship belief. I know I have my theory and it is similar to many but we really need confirmation or clue on what it is so we can finally put that to bed and focus on massive research into it by cross referencing the players involved.