>>5670836 lb
I suspect that FB proper doesn't even fully understand what their platform is used for. Much of the platform is designed around linking for ads and websites. Ask yourself why it is that webpages will run "slow" despite the fact that computers today are orders of magnitude more powerful than computers in 2005. Web pages are written to have placeholder locations that are hooks for ad programs to link into. These are like blank real-estate for programs that can do any number of things.
This is where Q's use of keystone comes in. Keystone is a dll injection system that can use "atom bombing" to inject a program into program memory that will never touch the hard drive. This is a two-way street as just about anyone who can link into FB's ad routines can hit almost every web browser and even people not connected through Facebook.
This is where there is "Facebook" and then there are the CIA datacenters which are designed to strip information from FB's platform and collate it with information from other sources in a manner similar to PRISM (what Snowden exposed).
Effectively, the NSA developed PRISM. The CIA built their own version using shell companies and then used Snowden to expose the program and get lawmakers to impede it. Meanwhile, In-Q-Tel continued operations beneath public scrutiny.
Facebook is just one of what is a suite of integrated platforms. Google's Chromium powers every major web browser (Chrome (obviously), Opera (RIP), FireFox, Edge…).