Anonymous ID: 36a8ec March 13, 2019, 9:19 p.m. No.5673355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3450 >>3526 >>3719 >>3914 >>4009

While Everyone Sleeps, The Courts Are Abolishing All Immigration Enforcement


Congress could never get away with creating constitutional rights for illegal aliens to remain here, yet a single lower court just did so on Thursday. And where Congress would face deep reprisal in the next election, faceless judges will never feel the heat.


Conservatives fear that extreme Democrats might actually abolish ICE and all immigration enforcement, but the lower courts are already systematically abolishing ICE’s authority, nullifying immigration enforcement statutes, violating separation of powers, and constantly increasing the wave of bogus asylum-seekers that they originally spawned with other radical rulings. The latest ruling from the Ninth Circuit demonstrates that unless Republicans and the president begin pushing back against these radical judges and delegitimizing their rulings, Democrats will get everything they want without ever facing electoral backlash or even the need to win elections.


It’s truly hard to overstate the outrageously harmful effects of Thursday’s Ninth Circuit ruling. For the first time in our history, the courts have fabricated a constitutional right for those denied asylum to appeal to federal courts for any reason.


Here’s the background.


Hundreds of thousands of migrants are flooding our border, claiming the formula of “credible fear” of persecution. They get to stay indefinitely while they ignore their court dates in immigration court. Because of an amalgamation of several prior activist court rulings, mainly by this very circuit, roughly 90 percent of credible fear claims are approved by asylum officers and the claimants shielded from deportation, even though asylum status is ultimately rejected almost every time by an immigration judge. Unfortunately, by that point it’s too late for the American people, who are stuck with the vast majority of these claimants remaining indefinitely in the country. Yet rather than ending this sham incentive, the Ninth Circuit drove a truck through immigration law by asserting that there is now a constitutional right for even the few who are denied initial credible fear status and are placed in deportation proceedings to appeal their denials, not just to an administrative immigration judge but to a federal Article III judge for any reason.


In past cases, the courts merely twisted statutes and contorted their plain meaning. In this case, for the first time ever and in direct contrast to a ruling by the Third Circuit in 2016, the Ninth Circuit ruled that the immigration statute that denies the federal courts jurisdiction to hear such appeals is unconstitutional under the constitutional requirement of habeas corpus, thereby giving 7.8 billion people in the world habeas corpus access to our courts. This will allow numerous illegal aliens, including the brand-new ones entering now, to stay indefinitely while they litigate themselves into status. The ACLU, which of course led this lawsuit on behalf of a Sri Lankan migrant denied asylum, wasn’t kidding when it proclaimed, “The historical and practical importance of this ruling cannot be overstated.”


This is one of many recent violations of sovereignty doctrine, known as “plenary power doctrine.” This long-standing principle in the courts is that while aliens have due process rights against criminal punishment, they have no rights to litigate against deportation, which is a mere extension of sovereignty, other than the process laid out by Congress. This principle “has become about as firmly embedded in the legislative and judicial tissues of our body politic as any aspect of our government,” not “merely” by “a page of history … but a whole volume” (Galvan v. Press). The concept is “inherent in sovereignty,” consistent with “ancient principles” of international law, and “to be exercised exclusively by the political branches of government.” (Kleindienst v. Mandel).

Anonymous ID: 36a8ec March 13, 2019, 9:21 p.m. No.5673381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3526 >>3719 >>3914 >>4009

REPORT: AG Bill Barr’s Discussions With Mueller on General Mike Flynn Led to Memo Ending Cooperation


President Trump’s former NatSec Advisor General Mike Flynn has officially completeld his cooperation with Mueller’s investigation, according to a status report filed Tuesday.


CNBC reported:


Despite the special counsel’s view that Flynn has completed his cooperation, Flynn remains “in a position to cooperate with law enforcement authorities,” according to the status report.


Flynn may continue to cooperate with prosecutors in Virginia who are investigating his former business partners, Bijan Rafiekian and Kamil Alptekin, ahead of a trial slated to begin in July. The two men have denied charges that they unlawfully lobbied on behalf of Turkey.


But the attorneys wrote that “in the government’s view his cooperation is otherwise complete.”


According to One American News reporter Jack Posobiec, Attorney General Bill Barr, who is overseeing the special counsel’s investigation is the one who told Mueller that there wasn’t enough evidence to keep General Flynn around and to end his cooperation.


Posobiec said that Mueller’s corrupt prosecutor Andrew Weissmann pushed back and wanted to continue to harass General Flynn.


This is an indicator that Bill Barr may actually be reeling in Mueller’s out-of-control inquisition — a stark contrast from Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein.


General Flynn was ambushed by corrupt FBI officials just days after Donald Trump was sworn into office in January of 2017.


Flynn pleaded guilty to making a false statement to the feds, however, evidence later released proved Flynn never lied to investigators.


General Flynn is facing between zero and six months in jail.


It is now clear that there is one set of rules for Republicans and the working man — And there is another set of rules for crooked Democrats and the elite class.


In December Judge Emmet Sullivan abused and harassed General Michael Flynn in federal court.

Sullivan even suggested General Flynn committed treason for his work with Turkey — a totally unrelated case.


General Flynn did work with Turkey as did the Podesta brothers.


General Flynn filed his forms retroactively.

The Podesta brothers also filed their forms retroactively.


Flynn was accused of Treason — The Podestas are free men with all of their wealth intact.


President Trump should issue General Flynn a full pardon.

Anonymous ID: 36a8ec March 13, 2019, 9:24 p.m. No.5673426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3481

Charity Backed By Silicon Valley Tech Titans Gave $500K To Fusion GPS-Linked Group


A former Senate Intelligence Committee staffer who has worked with Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele quietly formed a pro-democracy nonprofit group in 2018 called Advance Democracy Inc.

A Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found that a multi-billion dollar charity backed by Silicon Valley tech titans donated $500,000 to the group last year.

The staffer operates a similar charity called The Democracy Integrity Project, which receives funding from George Soros. He allegedly told one associate that the group operates as a “shadow media organization” that works with the U.S. government.


A Silicon Valley charity gave $500,000 to a nonprofit group founded by a former Senate staffer who is working with Fusion GPS and Trump dossier author Christopher Steele.


The Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF), which has received significant funding from tech industry billionaires, gave the donation in 2018 to Advance Democracy Inc., a Virginia-based 501(c)(3) group, according to a database the recipient group runs.


A Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found that Advance Democracy shares the same address as The Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP), another nonprofit group started by a former Senate Intelligence Committee staffer for California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Jones.


Mystery surrounds both of Jones’s operations. The identities of both groups’ donors have largely been kept secret, as Jones has avoided revealing his backers.


The secrecy would appear at odds with Advance Democracy’s website description that it is an “independent, non-partisan organization that promotes accountability, transparency, and good governance in the United States and around the world.”


Jones created TDIP on Jan. 31, 2017, according to registration records filed in Washington, D.C. Through that group, Jones partnered with Fusion GPS and Steele to continue a private investigation into President Donald Trump and Russia. One goal of the organization, Jones told the FBI, was to provide information to the media, lawmakers and the FBI.


Jones, who worked for Feinstein on the Senate Intelligence Committee through 2015, allegedly told one associate that his operation worked as a “shadow media organization” with the U.S. government, TheDCNF previously reported. He also took credit for planting anti-Trump stories in the press.


Jones formed Advance Democracy on Jan. 29, 2018 — four days after then-Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley identified Jones in letters seeking information related to Steele’s dossier regarding Trump’s alleged relationship with Russia.

Anonymous ID: 36a8ec March 13, 2019, 9:27 p.m. No.5673464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3489 >>3526 >>3634 >>3719 >>3845 >>3914 >>4009



Is Chief Justice John Roberts Tacking Left?


Chief Justice John Roberts has voted with the liberal justices in recent months on cases touching abortion, asylum and the death penalty.

Those votes may not indicate a meaningful change to the chief justice’s legal views.

Rather, they could reflect Roberts’s desire to keep the Supreme Court away from division, or an incremental approach to a conservative revival.


Chief Justice John Roberts has made common cause with the Supreme Court’s liberal bloc as late, breaking with his conservative colleagues on cases relating to abortion, the death penalty and President Donald Trump’s revised rules for asylum seekers.


Whether Roberts’s recent maneuvers reflect a substantive change in his approach to cases remains to be seen. In isolation, it’s difficult to know what to make of the chief’s votes.


That he is parting with his conservative legal views seems unlikely. This, after all, is a jurist who voted to uphold the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act and strike down limits on firearms possession, corporate campaign expenditures and all manner of race-conscious benefits. Yet his recent moves are all the more interesting for that very reason.




Roberts has twice sided with the liberal justices on abortion-related cases. In the first instance, the chief and Justice Brett Kavanaugh voted against review of a lower court decision favoring Planned Parenthood in December 2018. That petition did not directly broach abortion rights.


The case arose when Louisiana and Kansas disqualified Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, from eligibility for state Medicaid funds. Planned Parenthood sued in turn, claiming the Medicaid law allowed it to circumvent a state administrative proceeding and bring its challenge straight to a federal judge.


The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said it could. The high court was asked to decide whether that decision was correct.


The Court refused to intervene in that case on a 6-3 vote, prompting a vigorous dissent from Justice Clarence Thomas, who accused the majority of base politicking.


Another abortion dispute followed just weeks later. In that case, several health care providers asked the high court to temporarily block implementation of a Louisiana law called Act 620, which requires that physicians who perform abortions have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital.


The providers said Louisiana’s law was almost identical to a Texas measure the Supreme Court struck down in a 2016 decision called Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt.

Anonymous ID: 36a8ec March 13, 2019, 9:33 p.m. No.5673523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3526 >>3551 >>3719 >>3914 >>4009

Geoengineering debate shifts to UN environment assembly


Countries will discuss whether to commission a study of technologies to blunt the effects of climate change.


Technologies that aim to cool the planet by reflecting sunlight away from Earth or sucking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere will be on the agenda of the United Nations Environment Assembly next week, when it meets in Nairobi. The body is poised to debate a resolution on geoengineering approaches that could be used to fight climate change, elevating a controversial issue to its highest political forum yet.


A proposal backed by Switzerland and ten other countries would require the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) to prepare a comprehensive assessment of geoengineering, including methods to pull CO2 out of the atmosphere or inject aerosols into the stratosphere to block sunlight. Due by August 2020, the report would examine the underlying science and technology, and how to govern research and wide-scale use.


Preliminary discussions began this week and a final decision by government ministers could come at the end of the UN assembly’s meeting, which runs from 11–15 March.


“In principle, it’s a big deal,” says Ted Parson, who studies environmental law and policy at the University of California, Los Angeles. “This could be the start of the serious international deliberation on governance that has been needed for years.”

Anonymous ID: 36a8ec March 13, 2019, 9:35 p.m. No.5673549   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ambassador Ala: US and Britain funded “the white helmets” to be an alleged humanitarian arm for terrorist organizations


Geneva, SANA-Syria’s permanent representative to the UN in Geneva, Hussam El-Din Ala said that the US and Britain have established and funded the so-called organization of “the white helmets” to be an alleged humanitarian arm for terrorist organizations in Syria, on top, Jabhat al-Nusra.


“Liberating the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo and regions of Eastern Ghouta from terrorist organizations of Jabhat al-Nusra and others has revealed, with documents and data, the correlative relation which connects the white helmets to other organizations and their role in fabricating the claims of shelling civil areas and using chemical weapons in different sites of Syria,” Ala said at a joint symposium held at the UN HQ in Geneva in cooperation between Syrian and Russian permanent missions on the human situation in Syria.


He pointed out that the evacuation of 480 members at the White Helmets with their families by the countries that sponsor them in the regions which were liberated by the Syrian army and transporting them under the dark to Jordan through “Israel” to re-settle them in other countries came to hide their engagement in fabricating most of the accusations and alleged incidents of using chemical weapons.


For his part, Gennady Gatilov, the Russian Ambassador to UN in Geneva, warned that the while helmets may continue preparing for new provocative acts by using chemical substances in the de-escalation zone of Idleb to direct the accusations to the Syrian government and to prevent a probable military operation by the Syrian government to get the terrorists out the city.

Anonymous ID: 36a8ec March 13, 2019, 9:43 p.m. No.5673650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3665

Ricardo Hausmann’s “Morning After” for Venezuela: The Neoliberal Brain Behind Juan Guaido’s Economic Agenda


While online audiences know YouTube comedian Joanna Hausmann from her videos making the case for regime change, her economist father has flown below the radar. His record holds the key to understanding what the U.S. wants in Venezuela.


If you’ve followed Venezuela-related news on social media, you’ve undoubtedly stumbled across a video released by comedian Joanna Hausmann in which she promises to tell you, “What’s Happening in Venezuela: Just the Facts.” Despite a title designed to instill confidence in the uninformed viewer, upon closer examination the “facts” presented in Hausman’s video hardly stand the test of reality.


Hausmann, for example, attempted to pass off dubious assertions that Venezuelan opposition leader “Juan Guaidó is not right wing,” and that he “did not just declare himself president” of the country. She also claimed that President Nicolas Maduro “made up” the National Constituent Assembly, neglecting to mention that that governing body was clearly defined in the country’s 1999 Constitution, and was ratified by 71.8 percent of the country through a democratic vote.


Hausmann’s performance ended with a teary-eyed appeal for sympathy: “On a personal level… my father is exiled from going back home.” For a video dedicated to “just the facts,” Hausmann’s rant omitted an especially pertinent piece of information: her exiled father and the rest of her family are no ordinary Venezuelans, and are, in fact, key players in the bid to bring down the elected government.


Much of Hausmann’s script echoed talking points outlined by her father, Ricardo Hausmann, in a 2018 article ominously entitled “D-Day Venezuela.” The piece amounted to a plea for the U.S. to depose Maduro by force, with Hausman arguing that “military intervention by a coalition of regional forces may be the only way to end a man-made famine threatening millions of lives.”


But Ricardo Hausmann is much more than a prominent pundit. He is one of the West’s leading neoliberal economists, who played an unsavory role during the 1980s and ’90s in devising policies that enabled the looting of Venezuela’s economy by international capital and provoked devastating social turmoil.

