Anonymous ID: 1f035f March 14, 2019, 1:16 a.m. No.5675198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5221


To be fair, if that is true then you are one of the exceptionally few cases if you are talking about a 4-year university in America.


Tuition for each year can run in excess of $10k rather easily. The real cost is housing. If you must rent or pay for student housing, you are looking at another $10k per year in some of the cheaper college towns to live in. School can easily run you in excess of 20k per year. This does not include utilities, vehicles, phones, etc.


If you were working a factory job a full 40 hours a week, it is possible, particularly if renting - but for most kids who get out of highschool and do what they are told - which is go to college, it makes sense why they end up in the positions they do.

It is not reasonable to expect the average person to divide their concentration between school they are paying for and a full time job. Particularly in the case where they are working under $10 an hour, which most people working the service industries will.


I am not saying that they have a right to expect debt forgiveness or helicopter cash, but there were a lot of people who preyed on them and who have also inflated all of our costs unjustifiably.

Anonymous ID: 1f035f March 14, 2019, 2:06 a.m. No.5675404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5594 >>5607 >>5621


That is simply not an option for the overwhelming majority of college students.


Do not misunderstand, I agree that there are many options available to make it more practical. However, the attitude that seems to be projected toward my generation is that we are somehow liable for education costs ballooning second only to healthcare costs, that we are somehow stupid for signing up for grants, or that we are somehow lazy.


Here is the logic process of what happens:

"You are getting ready to be a Freshman in Highschool, be sure to get good grades so that you can get into a good college."

"Meh. You were average, as most people will be. But that's cool. Here are all of these programs to help you make the correct investment into your future - your education!"

  • Holy Fuck… $60,000!? Well, I should be able to make that every year with a degree, so… I guess it makes sense. At $15,000 a year, it seems rather silly to try and divide my attention by working a full time job. I don't have any family to shack up with where I am going, so it's not like I have a whole lot of financial options, here. Mom and dad are broke, so it's on me.

"Hey, it looks like your chosen field evaporated. For students just like you, we have a special program to help you steer back toward a field with ample placement opportunities, it will be two additional years and with our unpaid internship programs lasting another two after that."

  • …. No fucking way.


I don't have a degree and have only spent time at a community college plus my military training. By this point, I don't require a degree. I am doing things they will write books on, later. But that isn't really the point…

From where I stand, I see a lot of people who like to sit in their little ivory tower and cast dispersions upon those waking up to realize the water in their river is downstream of the uptown toilet. "Foolish lower class, why don't you simply live up here like us smart people?"


  • … No shit, you got any other advice you want to pass on? I'm hungry, maybe I should go eat, or something. Perhaps I can plant a garden in the middle of the pavement while I am at it.


You're willing to do for your kid. My parents are dead. Many others barely had parents. Many people do not live in a town with a college and would have to completely relocate… Not to mention, this is what is expected of them to begin with. The option of not going to college is dismissed out of hand.


I'm beating a dead horse, here - but I completely understand why my generation is absolutely livid with the realization of how many people are living the high life off of the debt traded when they signed up for schools as kids … That they are going to be chased into the grave to pay for.


We are paying into social security we will never get. We are paying on student loans, the "benefits" of which we will never see. We are paying astronomical rent prices because we can't take on mortgages with our student loans - the vacant homes are being repurposed by slum lords as elderly sell their homes to pay for their end-of-life internment camps.


And prior generations continually insist that their challenges and struggles were at all comparable. You wonder why socialism is popular to millennials - it's at least in part because they are one of the few groups insisting that there is a massive fucking problem with the status-quo.


True, it's a problem created by socialism to then create the ad for socialism… But my generation has been universally panned for doing exactly what they were raised to do by prior generations.