Anonymous ID: 27e159 March 14, 2019, 12:03 a.m. No.5674856   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5674733 (pp)


Full on conspiratard…


All of this Snowden stuff…

Keeping eyes on him…

Knowing that he can't be approached without giving the White Hats information…

Or if they "work in the Light", via highly choreographed steps…


It's like setting up Adm. Rogers to be in a situation to "clean up"…

Snowed-In is there to make a mess and cause blockades.


Fearmongering can be utilized for multiple purposes.

On the one hand… the people trying to harm the NSA think everything is going according to plan.

The terrorized energy of a populace with no time to themselves.


But a lot like Q for conspiratards…

"Toooooooldja. Now quit questioning my camera and dead mic habits."


The Græy Zone.

Obama happily let him go…

Didn't go after him.

His wishes were fulfilled and then suddenly…


Putin surrounds him.

Putin… with the direct information of Uranium 1.

And China/Hong Kong-Basically China…

Why would they not happily invite them into their country to see what they could get out of him?

What if he offered?


What if Putin was monitoring the entirety of it?

And… hooooow much access to the Russian networks does the NSA and/or FVEY have?


The Japanese were #COMPED, according to le movie…

But there's also a lot that was conveniently left out, so that's not super saying a lot, but…


I meeeeeeeeean….


How all up in Russia's business has America been since they stopped being the USSR?

There's a thought.

Anonymous ID: 27e159 March 14, 2019, 12:23 a.m. No.5674955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4971

Of course they end the Snowden moving with a round of applause.


"The movie people say to support him and his actions!"


Sure, he might have been something to counter Wikileaks…

That was even mentioned in the movie.

A blow to their credibility.


HIVEMIND! >>5674852



Snowden was 2013, Seth Rich was 2016, (Assange and Wikileaks officially split cuz the org is now #COMPED?),

Vault 7 was 2017…



Where Snowden exposed the NSA…

And Seth Rich exposed government and private sector collusion in terms of the elections…

Vault 7 exposed the C_A…



Adrian Lamo exposing Manning's attempt to sabotage and subvert the "whistleblower and where they supposedly lean" narrative….

And then however Kim DotCom fits in.

I thought I heard that general phrase/comparison to "the 400lb hacker" mentioned on the news…

The person on "the news" kept saying 900 lbs, though… I think.



You kinda end up with a trifecta and some tiers


Imagine if they could set their "ideological differences aside" to actively "work on something" "together".


Seth Rich-Kim.C-Whoever actually leaked Podesta's e-mails (Which were later verified.)


There's m0ar but this is beyond long enough.

Anonymous ID: 27e159 March 14, 2019, 1:02 a.m. No.5675136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5222 >>5307 >>5539


Why Trump Should Think Twice Before Granting 'Get-Out-of-Jail-Free' Card to Huawei CFO



By hinting so publicly and so often that he might grant clemency for Meng Wanzhou, President Trump has created for himself an awkward Hobson’s Choice.


Meng is the chief financial officer of Huawei Technology, the giant Chinese telecommunications equipment manufacturer. She also happens to be the daughter of company’s founder Ren Zhengfei. Meng was detained by Canadian authorities in December at the request of the U.S. Justice Department, and remains in Vancouver pending extradition on fraud charges.

Anonymous ID: 27e159 March 14, 2019, 1:37 a.m. No.5675297   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"I've given this a lot of thought & come to the conclusion that only one person can now sort out this ridiculous Brexit mess: @realDonaldTrump.

He'd take no sh*t from the EU, or Parliament, or anyone.

And he definitely wouldn't lose his voice.

Mr President, my country needs YOU."