Watch the Water.
There is NIAGRA FOUNDATION. Yet another non-profit blather fest giving out awards to liberal politicians, promoting cultural shit, holding seminars. This Niagara "Foundation" is part of "Alliance for Shared Values" - and ASV was a client of PODESTA lobby firm. ASV tied in to Gulen - the Turk that was object of fake news Flynn kidnap stories (although Gulen does need to be dealt with) ASV and its related groups reach down into local politics, take politicians on trips to Turkey, Asia…and all these organizations aligned with CAIR. FBI launched investigations into financial irregularities of Gulen-tied groups - schools, businesses, etc. - but of course never filed any charges. Gulen came to US in 1999 and has an ugly empire & hundreds of private brain washing schools. So many deep and tangled rabbit holes to research - yikes!