To the videofags offering help! Would love to see a quick "commercial" video that we could share with normie friends/family with underlying message that it's not a Dem v. Rep issue, not a black v. white issue but an issue between those in power and those they want to control. Maybe starting out less controversial things that affect all of us - Big Pharm, loss of jobs, etc and show the faces of big name politicians of both parties associated with the various issues.
Also when Nk/SK developments start accelerating, something to the effect "just like nk & sk - they want us divided (again showing faces/names from both sides) and then ending we some inspirational "we the people, take back our country" kind of message
(or whatever tag line is being used at that time).
Think it's real important that we refrain from making memes/videos an us v. them, red v blue issue or many people who could win over with a little info & genuine conversation with will tune out immediately. Just a few thoughts...