Please try get #DemocratSutdown trending, per Trump tweet.
Also, please, make memes out of hastchtags of jpeg, twit softly. ty
Please try get #DemocratSutdown trending, per Trump tweet.
Also, please, make memes out of hastchtags of jpeg, twit softly. ty
nice style, little scary for the normies, love the #SchumerShutdown but Prez says #DemocratShutdown 14 hrs ago.
Please make/twit #DemocratShutdown, ty.
Its funny, but away from mission or evidence, unless there is a connection I missed, try find one closer to date, informative, kind red-pills for those still dreaming.
some of us were hoping to get this going, please help if you can, ty
If you can, trend these worldwide. Make POTUS smile.
Schumer called it a Trump Shutdown.
POTUS tweeted #DemocratShutdown.
Which should we use? Using #Trum_Shutdown, aren't we helping Schumer? Do you want POTUS to trend or Schumer?
i can imagine CSchumer saying in the future his hash was larger than Prez, implying his argument had more support.
However, if we all ditch #Trum_Shutdown and use Prez words #DemocratShutdown, indisputable.
nice positive red pill, good job, can you add these? ty.
both your articles posted, scary. >>112090
good info tho, can't believe Brit teen hacker got through, strangely, possible i suppose. Keep an eye on this story, post updates if you rembr, ty.
Also, Help make these trend, make Prez smile, make Q proud.
Mission 2: Also, leave positve thankful message/reply on P_TUS tw_tter for economy, tax break, employment, you name it. Mark it pat1 for later measure. ty.