The jews had no rights when they were persecuted by the nazis… that is the point.
A few people on there that is disappointing, a few that were expected, and a few that should be ashamed.
Overall the concept is correct. POTUS should not be able to do this, however the office was delegated the power years ago, so the house/senate can go cry a river. Should have thought about that along with many other things like trade years ago.
Ultimately even if intent was required, setting up the server and exchanging 1 classified email would satisfy the intent requirement.
I understand, but that is where the public got mislead, because every claims that there was no intent so that is why they were forced to let her go…. but the reality is it was never required.
Its a strawman argument that everyone used.
The resolution was non-binding… means shit anyways.
Wall is being built, the middle class did get a tax cut, no troops in Venezuela, and yes playing golf with trump would be cool.