>>>5687371 (You)
>Exactly. It's just like 9-11. I atlked to numerous boomers who were die hard for the Iraq war and killing Al Qaeda. If I mentioned that I thought 9-11 was an inside job and we were losing our freedoms, "If you don't like it here, move to China."
>>>5687371 (You)
>Exactly my fear based on the amount of freedom we've lost in the time we've been here. People seem oblivious to it which is very unnerving.
My advice. Make sure you and your family have updated passports. Make a friend in a country you could flee to. People will call that being an over reactor but you must rememeber. It was the over reactors that got out of fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and so many other coups early and alive. Read or buy the small handbook by Timothy Snyder - 'On Tyranny, twenty lessons from the 20th century'. He knows of what he speaks. Also Masha Gesson is good to listen to. May providence smile upon you and nothing we fear come to pass. But until then be prepared.