Anonymous ID: 9907ba March 14, 2019, 5:03 p.m. No.5688574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8642

Back when the whole Snowden fiasco took place I did not fully look into every single part of every single issue. I did last night in about two hours and went through all available data on the web and otherwise and, to you Q if you are willing:


1) It feels like his time at Yokota and 2008-2009 is where he was both targeted and honeypotted


2) Clearly became on radar by China after his seminars which China would have infiltrated as "students" to attempt to learn what the US knows about them.


3) Girl showing up when she did in his life can't be coincidence. Honeypot lure.


But the biggest thing of all… the absolute biggest WTF is that yet again we see another situation coming out of Hawaii. I won't clog up the breads with the fine details but her departure, behavior and ESPECIALLY her Father raise massive red flags.


First and foremost when I saw the guy the first thing I thought was he looked exactly like Stephen Paddock and I am still not fully convinced that he isn't (or his "brother") as he meets my own personal pattern recognition pretty damn similar/near identical.


I guess my question to you is, and I doubt you answer this one but…. was the Snowden data grab/transfer am op set up between a specific foreign country and people not just included Snowden but also others working with him and at a VERY high level?


In short, was Snowden targeted specifically for being weak, the woman thrown at him and then… this is where I am not fully sure of theory. China would be more so connected with HRC from previous track record and BHO would more so be Iran but also BHO has a lot of connection to Hawaii which appears to be the new fortress hideaway while Zuckerberg's "home" is home base (probably tunnels connected to BHO home).




1) Is where he is now where he was always meant to go or was that plan altered after China got his drop off mule job and then said "later bro"


2) Was girl used as bait?


3) Why the hell does her "Dad" look like… well… you know


4) … and the omega question bottom line. WAS this operation a long standing set up (going back years) to get all the nations data from the server storage and how in the FUCK was he not flagged the moment he stepped into the storage room?