Are you hoping for a World War? Seriously? You really don't know what you are saying. You have obviously never been in battle because nobody in their right mind who has seen War would ever want war especially Another World War. And now in the nuclear era where Trump has approved low-yield nuclear weapons and is ready even eager to use them? My God. You people are mad.
Leave people alone let them learn how they learn. You people are presumptuous here. You presume to tell everyone what they can read and what they can't read and what they can watch and what they should listen to and who they shouldn't listen to. That is not promoting free thinking you're promoting a sort of totalitarianism in here.
Fuck you asshole. Instead of being a goddamn asshole all the time you could just explain to people how it's done. I understand you're probably very insecure and being on here lording it over everyone makes you feel better about yourself. But go back to kindergarten and push The Kindergartners around these people are adults.