Anonymous ID: e2225f March 14, 2019, 6:01 p.m. No.5689461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9488 >>9497 >>9529




Seth Rich's leaks were taken from the DNC server

He gave them to WL

In order to do so he used SecureDrop

Secure Drop was back doored and forwarding whistle blower info directly to the deep state/C_A

When half chan picked up on it and Q hinted at it a few days later the people connected to secure drop all got suicided and heart attacked

The DNC server was never turned over to the FBI

It was given to Crowd Strike then they imaged the hard drive and gave that to the FBI

The Seth Rich/DNC server leaks absolutely prove that

1) The DNC rigged the primary against the Bern

2) There was never any Russian collusion 3) Never any hacking

4) Guccifer 2.0 was completely made up

5) The DNC was taken over by the HRC and she used DNC funds for her campaign

6) It was an inside leak that brought this to light and a good man, a Patriot was killed for it