I just followed a link here I shouldn't have of the taped massacre at a mosque by the murderer in NZ. The cheering crowd in the comments was sickening. It reminded me of opening pages of Hostage to the Devil by Malachi Martin.
"Now the window was completely black. Michael could see nothing.
"Cain . . ." he began to say weakly to himself. But a stablike realization stopped the word in his throat, just as if someone had hissed into his inner ear: "Wrong again, fool! Cain's father. I. The cosmic Father of Lies and the cosmic Lord of Death. From the beginning of the beginning. I … I … I … I … I .. ."
"On December 14, the Japanese High Command let loose 50,000 of their soldiers on the city with orders to kill every living person. The city became a slaughterhouse. W r hole groups of men and women were used for bayonet and machine-gun practice. Others were burned alive or slowly cut to pieces. Rows of children were beheaded by
samurai-swinging officers competing to see who could take off the most heads with one sweep of the sword. Women were raped by squads, then killed. Fetuses were torn alive from wombs, carved up, and fed to
the dogs.
"All told, over 42,000 were murdered. Death enveloped Nanking as it had the entire Yangtze delta. Animals and crops died and rotted in the fields.
"It was as though the spirit that Michael had tangled with in the microcosm of Thomas Wu's grisly charnel house in the suburbs of
Nanking — "the Cosmic Lord of Death" — had been let loose over all the lands. In the world-shaking events of the war years, some special
viciousness had been given free rein, had impressed itself on hundreds of thousands with the sting of absolute and irresistible authority
"Death was the strongest weapon. It settled all disputes over who was master. And eventually it claimed all as its victims, putting everyone
on an equal level. In war, where death was the victor, you tried to have it on your side."
Full text is worth the read: