Anonymous ID: 8be5eb March 14, 2019, 7:52 p.m. No.5691712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1826



Dear Father give us strength and protection as we enter the storm. Expand our armor of which you've provided to protect the innocent who have lost their way, allow us to rise as one in your righteous light.



Anonymous ID: 8be5eb March 14, 2019, 7:54 p.m. No.5691784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2026

Suspect In Kavanaugh Confirmation Doxxing Has Feinstein Ties, Allegedly Possessed Senate Data. DOJ May Hide The Details


The former Senate aide accused of doxxing Republicans during Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing allegedly possessed troves of information, including Senate data, court proceedings indicate.

The suspect is the son of a wealthy family with ties to Dianne Feinstein, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s top Democrat. Republicans suggested she timed a leak about sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh to harm his confirmation chances.

The court barred the media from hearing details about the alleged breach, and now a plea deal that could prevent the truth from ever emerging appears to be in the works.


A former Senate aide charged with doxxing Republican senators and extorting a witness comes from an elite family with ties to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee.


Prosecutors signaled Tuesday that they might give the aide, Jackson Cosko, a plea deal that would prevent the facts of the case from ever being learned publicly.


During Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s September 2018 confirmation hearing, Cosko — a former IT aide who once managed Democratic New Hampshire Sen. Maggie Hassan’s office computer accounts — allegedly posted to Wikipedia the home addresses of Republican senators who supported the Supreme Court justice.


“I own EVERYTHING,” Cosko told a Hassan aide who caught him in the act, according to prosecutors. “If you tell anyone I will leak it all. Emails signal conversations gmails.”


Information revealed in court since then suggested that might not have been a bluff. U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan on Jan. 24 said Cosko allegedly possessed terabytes of information, including Senate data so sensitive that it could not be discussed in open court.


“He downloaded more information than was originally understood. There is no combination of conditions that could ensure the safety of the community,” Hogan said in December 2018.


Prosecutors underscored that he was a flight risk and that they had concerns he would engage in obstruction of justice.

Anonymous ID: 8be5eb March 14, 2019, 7:59 p.m. No.5691894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2242

Bernie Kerik: FBI Agents ‘Scared to Death’ of Speaking Against Mueller Probe — Even Privately


Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik told Breitbart News that FBI agents are “scared to death” to criticize political corruption and abuses of power at the bureau and broader Department of Justice (DOJ).


Kirk offered his analysis on Wednesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight in an interview with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.


Kerik reflected on partisan and political corruption at the FBI and DOJ: “Not one of these people has been brought up on criminal charges, or even ethical charges. McCabe was terminated. Comey was fired. Page is gone. But at the end of the day, there are Americans all over this country that would be sitting in prison right now if they made the same decisions, if they violated the law the way these people did.”


Kerik continued, “I’ve been targeted by this government. I’ve seen what they can do and why they do it, and when I see this it sickens me, because it impugns the integrity of the FBI and the Justice Department. It impugns the integrity and honesty of the line agents that are in the field who every day put their lives on the line, and it also sends a message to the American people: There is a two-tier system of criminal justice in this country; one for the normal people and one for them, and that they can do anything they want. They’re basically above the law. Because they violated the law, they violated ethics rules, and they violated DOJ and FBI department policy, and nothing happened to them. I think it’s disgusting.”


Kerik went on, “Until the attorney general takes some real action, one in holding them accountable and then going back to look at Hillary Clinton and that entire debacle of the breach of security with the emails, the destruction of evidence, obstruction, [and] conspiracy. Until the attorney general goes back to investigate and prosecute those crimes, there isn’t an American in this country that will ever believe the FBI or the Justice Department again.”


Mansour asked, “Where are all the whistleblowers? Why aren’t there more whistleblowers out of FBI headquarters?”


Kerik described widespread fear among FBI agents preventing pushback against partisan and political corruption:


You know why? I’ll tell you why. Because they’re scared to death. I know several agents in New York City that are assigned to the FBI, that work for the FBI, based out of New York, and they have told me personally they don’t even mention this investigation. They don’t mention Trump. They don’t mention the president by name. They’re scared to death, because they’re afraid of losing their jobs or they’re afraid of being targeted by the administration.


So if that’s the case, if that’s what’s going on, that in itself is frightening, but I think it’s time that the attorney general takes some decisive action and puts this in its proper place and gets an investigation conducted, and holds the people accountable that violated their own ethics rules, department policies, and the criminal code.


“I find it frightening that there doesn’t appear to be any accountability coming,” lamented Kerik. “I hope this is something the new attorney general is looking at [and] is going to address, because if he doesn’t, there isn’t a courtroom in this country that’s going to have a defendant in it and a defense attorney standing before a judge that doesn’t have real questions about the ethical conduct and the background of the agents at the FBI and DOJ.”

Anonymous ID: 8be5eb March 14, 2019, 8 p.m. No.5691926   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gregg Jarrett: ‘Deep State’ Proves ‘Americans Should Be Afraid of Their Government’


Fox News Channel legal analyst Gregg Jarrett, author of The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump, told Breitbart News that political and partisan corruption at the Department of Justice and FBI prove that “Americans should be afraid of their government,” offering his comments in a Wednesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.


The narrative of “collusion” between President Donald Trump and the Russian state was manufactured by “the swamp” in order to protect the powers of its people, said Jarrett.


“The swamp needs to be drained,” Jarrett declared. “By the way, that was the motivation behind this collusion hoax. The swamp, which had been in control the last eight years under the Obama administration, viewed Trump as a threat. He threatened to drain the swamp and the swamp didn’t want to be drained. There’s nothing in Washington that will motivate you more than the threat of losing power, and that’s why they cleared Hillary Clinton in this scheme and sought to frame Donald Trump.”


The purpose of the Robert Mueller-led investigation, said Jarrett, was to undermine the Trump administration. He also noted the Department of Justice and FBI’s political protection of the Clintons:


The Department of Justice has become so politicized. Hillary Clinton was protected. There was no legitimate investigation of Uranium One. … Her foundation received $145 million from the same Russian sources connected to the purchases of 20 percent of America’s uranium deposits, which was approved by the committee she presided over. It’s a crime to use your public office to confer a benefit to a foreign government in exchange for money. Hillary Clinton all but put a for-sale sign on the front door of her office as secretary of state, and I’m hoping that William Barr will undertake a serious and legitimate investigation of not just Clinton, but the cesspool of corruption at the FBI and the Department of Justice that allowed this hoax to evolve into a witch hunt. If he presents evidence to a federal grand jury, I suspect there’s a very good chance that people would be indicted.


Mansour warned of growing distance between the governors and the governed via increasing centralization of power within the bureaucracy. “Every American’s worst fear — especially every American who believes in limited government — their worst fear is that some faceless bureaucrat in D.C. is basically overturning the will of the people,” she said.


Jarrett replied, “I always hesitate to use what’s become a pejorative term: the deep state, but frankly, I can think of no better alternative. You’re right. Many of these people are unelected officials, but they have tremendous power. Power in Washington is like crack cocaine. It’s highly addictive. If you see anything that’s a threat to that power, you’ll turn heaven and earth to try to hang on to it and do what you can; abuse your authority, misuse the law in order to perpetuate your own power, and that’s what happened here. Facts were invented or exaggerated. The law enforcers became the law breakers. It was a conspicuous abuse of power.”


Jarrett concluded, “I hate to say it … this gives Americans pause that they should be afraid of their government. When people in power will abuse it for political reasons of personal animus, that’s not justice at the Department of Justice.”