shootings happen in NZ now and again (usually gang related) no international media coverage. This one happens in a mosque and it goes right across the world instantly. That is very strange, spoopy, something not right…..NZ Anon
It's Friday 4.25pm 15/3/19
Yes and the news is all over emotional - 'This is NZ's darkest day' - rubbish that was when John Key got elected
look at the speed of this reprting it is even on gatewaynpudit - this is ludicrous from downunder we never get coverage anywhere >>5692548
the bangladesh cricket team was in the mosque they ran…this is a ff… got to be with all the coverage cause it was in a mosque fits the narrative
thanks…..been here since April last year
NZAnon - here is NZ Herald article from right now
peimw minister saying muslims are us…don't think so and nor do most NZers