For those anons who have been here for a long while and, more so, for those who go back to the OLD days before /pol/ was even called that or /r/ and was called the "rickshaw" forums you undoubtedly know about the group of people who ended up breaking off and forming the privchans to escape the bullshit and just research all day and look into things.
I preface with that because this issue of the paytriots and similar issues has been a large topic of discussion for many and especially so given many of us have produced the digs that they capitalized on when we produce our work for the betterment of everyone and not to allow them to buy a fucking tuna sandwich. So as it stands there are plans under way to undercut them all and put our research/investigatory and writing skills to work on something very simple that is not set up to receive funds, but copyrights the data to remove their golden goose to take exact writings, and also to put very specific creator videos on the site. There are several good video creators out there who are clearly anons and have next to zero followers because that whole situation is dominated by the paytriots on the search bar. So that needs to be remedied and we believe it will be by our plans which I (basically) went over. We do however really like a few of those video creators but I am not going to mention the who because then it becomes one of those issues of drama and bullshit but I will say that I personally have great respect for those anons who simply make the videos, bring attention to the Q drops, explain the anons work and, if they feel compelled, give their own personal opinion. They come off genuine, honest and serious about the true focus of the issues rather than themselves and I respect that.
So the point of this response is merely to tell you that plans are under way by the privs and though we write well/have a ton of experience doing it we do have our eyes on those that we feel are legitimate lovers of their country, countrymen and legitimate anons who participate and work toward the benefit of their countries. Long story short, you're right anon, the paytriots simply cannot be the "representatives" in the face of such false flags and issues as a means to counter the barrage narrative and bullshit from the MSM as they miss too much data all the time, they do not focus on very important issues which they dismiss, and they never write or go after EVERY possible trouble maker and issue but rather stay in their box in a controlled opposition manner.
To get the word out and to successfully counter the ridiculous narratives and methods that must be met with the highest level of intelligence, logic and factual statements which cut the opponent off at the knees and prevents them from rising again. That is coming and that is coming soon and good writers or experts on certain things will be sought out (for a couple remaining needs). Love ya anon, good things coming and I especially love you social media users who have stood up to that shit in the face of all those bans, sockpuppets and pure bullshit. No idea how you can stand remaining on those things but, hey, well done.