Back in March-April of 2017 when George Webb was making videos about Haiti I did hard core research on USAID & Haitian Peanut farmer connection to Big Pharma & had found a site that said desiccated human blood was in chemtrails. USAID paid Haitian peanut farmers to develop high mycotocin yeild peanuts for depopulation purposes..Political prisoners & kidnapped kids were used to test lab created viruses that fucked with skin's ability to produce conversion of sunlight into vitamin D3 which is ESSENTIAL in production of GcMAF, our own bodies cancer fighting macrophages & Big Pharma would profit immensely from meds & VAXX to counter those effects.Clowns bricked my PC shortly thereafter & I had to reset it & lost all sauce & 100's of hours of links & research LAST FUCKING TIME I POST THIS ADD IT TO NOTABLES.
Seems like the Mueller SC Russian Collusion investigation bought them enough time to plant the plausible deniability they're laying out with this narrative. We have to bust that before it's implanted in Libturd Normiesphere with some newsweak Anon tier memes. Calling Newsweak/GreatAwakening magazine covers memeAnon into duty?
George never covered depop plans but discussed in private twatter DM's with a starstruck Wendy chick who dumped an archive of their DM's on twatter. Do not throw baby out with the bathwater Fucko..