Anonymous ID: 7583ea March 15, 2019, 12:51 a.m. No.5696354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6486 >>6498 >>6528 >>6737




Dude was basically an eco-fascist who worshipped Mosley


His manifesto is basically filled with poetry, FAQs about his political views and memes. He even has the navy seals copypasta. The dude is pretty much a giant cringeworthy stereotype.

This dude is literally admitting to fedposting. His aim was to drag the right into the mud so that the left gains power, implements gun control and things accelerate to a civil war and segregation.


He claims to have been inspired by Candace Owens however you can clearly tell by his writing that the whole thing is sarcastic and trying to meme her as being too radical for him. He's intentionally trying to push buttons in order to stir violence between the left and right.


And this shit right here is exactly what he wanted. He mentions people like Pewdiepie and Candace so people will start targeting them and spreading paranoia about right-wing radicalization.


If you want more evidence that he's taking the piss about his motives he credited Spyro for becoming an ethno-nationalist and Fortnite for teaching him mass shootings. If you seriously think these things radicalized him congrats he got what he wanted.


It seems to me he is getting what he wanted because people are already reacting as predicted, you can almost see tomorrow's headlines and calls to censor pewdiepie and discussing banning weapons.


You wont see headlines accusing facebook or twitter for his radicalization because they're not the perceived enemies of the media. Everything points to attacks to pewdiepie, 4chan / 8chan and maybe even Candace Owens everything is getting scrubbed already, grab it before is late.

Anonymous ID: 7583ea March 15, 2019, 2:02 a.m. No.5696817   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I've seen the real video multiple times.

Not from a bad mirror. The coward shot a woman from 3 meter distance …I could watch pieces of her brains landing next to her. Stop being a fool.