Anonymous ID: cea468 March 15, 2019, 12:28 a.m. No.5696188   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Great OP ED piece


March 1, 2019

America's Second Civil War Has Already Begun

By William L. Gensert

In an excellent article by Jeff Lukens here on American Thinker, he asks the question, “Is a second civil war coming?” In reply, I say that America’s second civil war has already begun. Its opening shots were fired by Barack Obama when he stated, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”


Most of this country is center-right and never considered America a place that needed transformation. Most people can think of things they would change but few believe the nation needs to be torn down and rebuilt. Obama failed but the left soldiers on in its quest for a new America remade in their own image.


When Obama went on his world apology tour, he wasn’t apologizing for America, he was apologizing for Americans. This is the essence of this second civil war. Leftists are demi-gods who believe they are America and that anyone who does not believe in them cannot lay legitimate claim to this country as their own.


Yes, this war has begun. The opening skirmish was the Obama presidency itself, which history will see as a failure, despite what the media want us to believe in the here and now. Sure, he passed ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank, overregulated, and ruled by executive diktat to great media acclaim. Yet, ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank have been whittled away by legislation and judicial rulings, while Trump has prioritized deregulation and reversed many of Obama’s illegal executive orders.


The war’s second battle was the 2016 presidential election when Hillary Clinton, Obama’s chosen successor, lost to a television personality whom very few took seriously as a candidate. Trump won despite the Obama administration conspiring with the Clinton campaign to steal the election and has remained as president even as that conspiracy fundamentally transformed into a failed coup attempt to depose him.


Trump’s presidency has been the third battle and with his string of successes, the battle is being won. This, despite near-universal acrimony and condemnation among the media, the Democrats, and the left.