>SPLC Co-Founder….
I saw a shit-ton of dirt many years ago that was dug up about that guy, can't remember, can't do it myself, but he is definitely worth a dig to put in front of the many eyes that look on this board.
>SPLC Co-Founder….
I saw a shit-ton of dirt many years ago that was dug up about that guy, can't remember, can't do it myself, but he is definitely worth a dig to put in front of the many eyes that look on this board.
>i dont get it
>>the DS can only delay so much before what comes out comes out..
I think they've got remnants of their infrastructure that they're trying to buy time so they can cobble togeher a derailer, some shit they hope sticks to the administration over here, a K-Club over there, a cooperating previous ally to pull something over thataway, they're scrambling to make something happen, a Hail Mary to save their asses.
Or, it's all an act and they're acting on behalf of the Qs, to buy time to educate the public to the nuances of this complex political and economic cesspool, with Act 2 being more explicit reveals.
Or, both, remember Abedin and Graham at the McCain funeral.
>Did some poor jew died to make the illusion more realistic? YES
The ones that were killed were the ones that wouldn't get on board for the Zionist cult(ure).
>Don't feed the it is all fake shills….
That's true, because if it can be shown that it's bullshit, there'll be no basis to attack Muslims, and then your whole scheme is blown to hell.
>remember Abedin and Graham at the McCain funeral.
And I'm just now remembering the handoffs between W and Mike. Pondering on that reminded me of W's entrance to the church for his father's funeral, he was really bent out of shape about something, wobbly on his legs as in full of fear, wondering if it was related to the envelopes and/or what he might have wrote on that program, could have been two separate events. Whatever he handed to Laura, he looked as messed up then as when he first came in.