Shooter vid analysis
I viewed the LiveLeak 16:55 version. I don't know if other versions are out there.
I'm former LEO.
I also ride a motorcycle which is why I recognized the first bit of info…..
1:09 - Four beeps of a start up tone. I recognized this immediately as a SENA helmet communicator startup. Followed by a 2 beep bluetooth connection confirmation just before the music started.
Were all suspects in comms using helmet mounted SENAs?
Or was he using it to connect the device for direct streaming?
I found this:
Could be relevant.
At 5:02 you can see his reflection in his rear view mirror and he appears to be wearing a FAST style helmet where he would have mounted the camera/phone. If it was streamed though it would have been a phone yea?
SENA helmet mounted setup can be viewed here. I'm still trying to figure out why this was turned on when it was. Was he communicating with other suspects? Was he using it to play music? You can hear the marching music as he enters the mosque but this could be coming from the vehicle on the other side of the wall.
Driving me nuts trying to figure out why he was using this.
I count four weapons visible at the front of the vehicle. Four long guns - one adjacent the driver tucked between door and seat and three laying on passenger seat. Appears to be two shotguns (one pump, one box mag fed) and two rifles.
Fucker makes a point to tie himself to as much of what the media would label as "alt-right": "remember lads subscribe to pewdiepie," bavarian folk music?, patriot march music i recognize from the movie The Patriot
4:37 - "This is for (inaudible). This is for you." Sounds like 2-3 syllables whatever it is.
6:08 - trunk shot. can see 2 gas cans and 2 more long guns. one rifle and one shotgun with extended tube mag. 3 weapons are the "scary black" motif with white writing all fucking over them.
6:43 - 9 shots fired from shotgun. ammo expended, tossed aside. goes to rifle.
Light on rifle is set to strobe. You do this for its disorienting effect.
8:46 - large pool of blood under first of victims at entry door.
9:35 - retrieves second rifle from trunk
10:15 - "Looks like we won't get to burn it today boys." Sounds like he's referring to the gas cans in the trunk. You see him upset at his forgetting something when he retrieves second rifle from trunk. Ignition source for gas cans not there? Why not? Was the vehicle packed for him already? Or did he just forget an ignition source?
10:32 - re-entry into mosque where you can clearly see two large blood puddles now at both initial victims.
10:37 - blood pooling under third victim. (I'm simply pointing out the blood for the WTF MUH NO BLOOD retards)
11:30 - numerous death moans audible (sound is unforgettable to those that have heard it in person) also massive terminal trauma to victim shot on floor just prior.
12:38 - "That did not go as planned." Which part? Where you were supposed to burn it down? I guess it's just a coincidence that the song playing at this point is about "hell fire?" He is also programming GPS. For what?
12:48 - grabs shotgun out of passenger seat and attacks targets of opportunity from inside vehicle.
14:47 - "(inaudible) should have stayed longer. (inaudible) time for the fuel."
14:53 - "(inaudible) burn that fucking mosque to the ground. Shit happens. I left one full magazine back there I know for sure - possibly more."
15:21 - audible emergency vehicle siren. based on doppler of sound it passed him in next lanes going opposite direction.
15:42 - more sirens in area
16:55 - video end
Looks legit to me (as in not fake). Sick fucker. Hope he gets the fucking chair.
That being said, this asshole (and the media) went out of his way to paint a target on 8chan after seeing his posting.
Be prepared for this entire website to be under heavy scrutiny.