Any social media posts regarding Muslims taking public office will be deemed as hate speech now and banned.
Any social media posts regarding Muslims taking public office will be deemed as hate speech now and banned.
funny how they have now figured out that directing attacks against half chan is incorrect.
They have learned.
Even though this post is on half, they have directed all eyes on full.
they are learning.
Christ Church
3 + 3 + 6 + 6
shooter name
all 9s = all 6s
There is no connection to infinity.
The shooter posted on half chan.
The media knows they have been attributing Q to 4chan incorrectly.
They have now updated the talking point to "8 chan" even though this shooter clearly did not post here.
This is very weird.
Attribute Q to 4chan for months, wrong.
Attribute shooter to 8 chan, wrong.
They always get it wrong.
OR it is intentional disinfo.
You stupid idiot.
It is a war for the mind.
Start shooting people and you have lost the war motherfucker.
The reference is the fact the shooter posted on half chan before he did the deed.
I am not being politically correct faggot.
I know what the world is all about.
I am up to my neck in the real world.
It is not about being PC.
It is about being awake and understanding what they want.
Your message of "kill them all let God sort em out" is exactly what the overlords want.
You are lost.