Anonymous ID: f97a24 March 15, 2019, 2:20 a.m. No.5696910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6926 >>6932 >>6939 >>6944 >>6963 >>6965 >>6981 >>6996 >>7040 >>7175 >>7218 >>7232 >>7336 >>7359 >>7387 >>7501 >>7563

Alright let me tell you what is going on here. We have all seen the material and it is clear that the initial stream did not produce anything so that was not the attack and was used as propaganda (at best). Now then, I actually have no doubt people were killed and I actually believe that really happened but I do not believe it came from the streamer which contradicts numerous (13) different things which have already been mentioned and I won't do so again as they are in notables. So consider the past few days but also consider that JP was in Aus yesterday. JP was the "fixer" for many for years and we all know what has been mentioned with him for awhile now (Scalia, etc). Let's move on to yesterday. What happened yesterday after FB was raided?


1) Publication attention began to swing massively toward this direction with more and more people filing in to read truth and FB was now compromised which was a good source for them to push fake shit, censor others and so on. They needed to stop the bleeding because all they had left was the MSM, which people are abandoning in droves, and Twitter which very few use outside of kids. They needed to begin to attack VERY SPECIFIC narratives which was reaching VERY SPECIFIC groups and really weakening their hold.


1) Candace Owens: Now considering I am one of the very reasons Candace has the narratives she has (hi Candace, I have been exposing that bad all this time since that day my dear) and considering the massive pills she has been nuking on a virtually untouchable demographic, she had to be included.


2) Pewdiepie - Throw at me whatever you want and it won't touch my viewer count, they keep coming and they love me. That is PDP summed up for you. He has massive pills going on. They can't fucking stop him… they can't get people to stop going to his page. So what to do? Add him in, call him a Nazi, call him a gun nut, and the MOMENT he apologizes then Youtube will have their jurisdiction for removal of his channel. Do not apologize PDP, do NOT.


3) 8Ch/Q - This is obvious. It isn't so much Q that is dropping truth bombs but Q plays the conductor and spins his baton toward the facts as we go on scavenger hunts and tell friend A who tells friend B who tells blah blah. Q is a nightmare for them. They can't talk about it, they can't get away from it, and they have no idea who and what he will bring up next as they can get no data on him, their narratives only increase his following and it's just a nightmare for them as they watch exposure after exposure occur.


Owens, PDP, Q = MASSIVE disruptions to their narratives. So… Owens, PDP, and Q had to be brought up in a "manifesto" which specifically allows the media to blame them in a subtle way. The thing is, nobody will care, but… they will try anyhow. Why though? Censorship, it is their last gasp effort.


What next? Well, now they will use it to try to reverse the train. How do I know? Look:


But their train "reverse" is not in the form of changing minds. No… they will use the centuries old ace in the hole… pit Christians and Muslims against one another. Nothing brings out hate like a 1000 year old fuck fest.


So to you Muslims out there, do not fucking buy it…. we do not hate you, we do not want to blow your shit up, and we need to unite to remove our true enemy. You understand me I know you do….. unite with us… fucking finally consider this and unite with us and together we will handle this issue as brothers. No more BS… no more bullshit… do not buy it…

Anonymous ID: f97a24 March 15, 2019, 2:36 a.m. No.5697004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7062


>the real issue is the kikes have been seeding the world with "whites are evil" since the fake cough protocols.


You know the sad truth is, and I now none of you asshole will buy it but it is true all the same, that I have never once on the chans spoken an ill word about any of the groups and we're talking fucking years… many years of being on the chans. I might be the oldest fucking chan user actually as I began before it was even /r/ but, bottom line, I never have. It's just not my way. On the flip side I have defended them when stupidity has been flung around as I just like getting on to research and not be bothered by stupid shit so every so often a grouchy melt down occurs. So I have defended that group before and never gave a shit about all the back and forth. I noticed what I noticed and I called it out for those responsible with them or whoever but I never made any generalizing statements.


However, I have noticed a serious lack of respect and serious push of late to not just try to push their normal narratives which in the past I just rolled my eyes to, but in this case to actively attempt to harm my fucking group and my fucking country while giving port access to the same country literally killing Americans. So I won't deny I was offended and I took that as a slap in the face. You agents here from that area I am positive have all our logs so you know very well that is true in terms of I have actually been cool about things for years and never attacked any of those schemes. But how the fuck can I not take these things as a slap in the face when the narratives are trying to kill me and my countrymen based on skin color. That is fucked up. So, for me, I've always known these things but I also always knew it was centered around specific groups/people and not the whole fucking mass. Now though? Now it feels like you're making your move on a mass level and it's fucked up considering all we in this country have done for you, what my bloodline has, it's fucked up. I know you won't care but it's messed up and a big slap in the face to any who have supported and, frankly, liked many. I will leave it at that as I do not engage in shit talk online.

Anonymous ID: f97a24 March 15, 2019, 2:37 a.m. No.5697009   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The most non liberal human being you will ever meet. But I do not want to fucking go to war with people at the behest of bullshit. If you do, then go ahead. I've already done my part, have fun with that.

Anonymous ID: f97a24 March 15, 2019, 2:53 a.m. No.5697117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7169


Did you know that originally the "shills" were actually intelligent people? Not the moron drugged out gerbil stuffers of foreign horde China men you idiots are now but, no, I am talking seriously intelligent assholes. They could compete because back then a fucking liberal arts degree was purchased for five bucks from 7/11 if you desperately needed to take a highway shit after a bad meal. Yeah they were fucking smart back then and we would go to war over issues. Then as the years went by and your education level dropped things changed and at this point, right now, I seriously feel like I am speaking to a retarded monkey. You idiots can't even write a fucking sentence. Literally you can't I am not kidding. You idiots are at such a level of stupidity that you don't even know how to read. Literally you don't in many cases.


So it's funny sometimes to watch you flail around trying to make sense of things with your notepad next to you and checklist ready to roll:


1) If they say this… respond with this.

2) If they say this… they ask this


I don't know who your kennel master is but whoever it is, they truly need a better script and even more they truly need better animals because you idiots now a days literally couldn't survive for three days on your own. You would seriously die of thirst, hunger and, most likely, you would probably be eaten by a fucking bear while believing the downhill running myth. You people are just idiots… utterly useless to every even remote consideration of what is what. I bring all this up because I really am curious about something. When a person is useless, as you clearly are, do you know that you are useless? I mean do you… how do I even put this… do you dance around and think you are or do you drink your tang and with thoughts of eating boogers and shit? I really am curious what primitive man must have thought and since he has been dead for a million years and you are here now… well.. humor me

Anonymous ID: f97a24 March 15, 2019, 3:01 a.m. No.5697154   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You know another thing I haven't seen brought up is that half chan is constantly bombarded by Australian shills. Australia and NZ are ground zero of their shill operations during most hours.

Anonymous ID: f97a24 March 15, 2019, 3:03 a.m. No.5697171   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is true, for a long time they ignored the true source of intelligence which was 8chan but unfortunately for them most of us moved to the private chans… good luck finding that fucko's as we can work in peace, come up with our research and then drop it without any issue on all the boards and since none of us keep the data on our online listed computers you got no chance finding it.


But you're right… you are absolutely right. They did learn and now they know where the real research is dropped. That will be remedied as this was planned for.

Anonymous ID: f97a24 March 15, 2019, 3:05 a.m. No.5697183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7224


Do you know why I challenged you? I am going to teach you a valuable life lesson here my young friend. No tricks, no BS, serious question, do you know why I used the words I used and wanted to pull that response out of you? I am curious if you can figure it out or if your trainer can. I will tell you if you get it right you have my word.

Anonymous ID: f97a24 March 15, 2019, 3:20 a.m. No.5697264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7300


Oh I don't have any suggestions at all. I was merely running one of my old tried and true psyops which certain types of people never… absolutely never can resist. Certain patterns in words used, way they are used and so on, it's all technical. In truth I do not even understand how I know it I just always have. But in your case, you see, you aren't an English first speaker so that eliminates some things, and you are not someone who knows proper English pronunciation so that eliminates other things. You use certain slang words that are found in only two specific areas. One area I called for a unification earlier and the other I did not. Then I challenged your intelligence and if there is one thing those from your group cannot stand it is someone doing that because you have to be right because you are brought up to believe you are in everything.


So… what do you think I am getting at…. after all you're the smart one here and you know all about the "small picture". So what can I be saying?

Anonymous ID: f97a24 March 15, 2019, 3:22 a.m. No.5697273   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A "Brenton Tarrant" posted on these two Instagram pages in the past. Tracking down statements in a few different ways as someone did a sloppy job on a few things:


One is PsyOp University and the other is a girl who is in CA. I am looking into it but wanted to post this for any other person who has the skills to also do so.

Anonymous ID: f97a24 March 15, 2019, 3:24 a.m. No.5697288   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A "Brenton Tarrant" also posted on this supremely creepy fucking page.

Anonymous ID: f97a24 March 15, 2019, 3:30 a.m. No.5697323   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You have very little grasp of the deep hole you are in.

Same place I have been in my entire existence my friend, the same place with little time to concern myself about the rest. So save your attempts for the ones who first buy that type of shit and second who would be concerned about that type of stuff. I am the wrong person for that narrative attempt as that happened long ago and it's all borrowed time anyhow.


But you see, I accept that and I know I cannot change that outcome. Yet I still am doing my part to help the country and countrymen I love which is the same thing I have done my entire life. You on the other hand are a puppet and your words, narratives and every… single… thing.. all of it… it is an expression of another and not a free thinking person.

Anonymous ID: f97a24 March 15, 2019, 3:41 a.m. No.5697382   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I mean they really hit on all the keywords/phrases on this:




>real life


>announces "attack" before hand (well before hand)

>long ride








Anons don't talk this way. We have one set aggravation, focus and so on but this shit hits on nearly every white group, every background, no reason to live (demoralization), and religious context one could think of for every white group, every fucking one.

Anonymous ID: f97a24 March 15, 2019, 3:52 a.m. No.5697452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7559



In light of the new data he was in Pakistan. First note nobody goes to Pakistan for vacation. They don't, they do… not. So this means he is 100% one of three options.


1) Went there to join a group to fight the west and be radicalized.


2) Is a deep cover agent of some sort working with one of the international mission groups. Highly unlikely as he would have went in under cover and he is shaven in the picture and the men who are shaved are often trainers which is deep cover op. It's possible but his movements and room clearing from the stream do not suggest this to be the case.


3) Private Military Contractor. HIGHLY possible. Who is (known) to be in region at moment, fits the bill of region? We have a couple. Aegis Defense Services, Erinys International, International Intelligence, MVM, Inc., Titan Corporation, Vinnell and Defion.


We NEED to find when he was in Pakistan exactly. If we can do that, we will find out all about this guy.

Anonymous ID: f97a24 March 15, 2019, 3:59 a.m. No.5697514   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Unfortunately I have a feeling this will be followed up with another as my instincts along with their previous patterns make it clear they always barrage these issues to sew as much chaos as possible. The US is shut down for them as the POTUS has security screwed on very well but there are a few places which stand in opposition to him so if it happens it would be one of those places I would speculate but Europe seems more likely and especially so for the places with elections coming up OR eastern Europe.


If they follow their trend from today which is to silence or go after opposition sources to their narrative that means several places in Europe. To be clear this is pure speculation based on various things and my own autism but they do tend to follow certain patterns with these things.

Anonymous ID: f97a24 March 15, 2019, 4:04 a.m. No.5697541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7545

I went to Twitter and it's all, fucking everything, is a sockpuppet barrage on Owens, 8Ch and PTP. They confirm my thought. Those were the targets.

Anonymous ID: f97a24 March 15, 2019, 4:07 a.m. No.5697557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7566 >>7576


You know… do you recall how that was dropped? That was an odd situation as the person was pretty much saying it would cost him, dropped it on Twitter, account gone soon after. Three days before hand. I wonder….


I mean if we are to believe that is real then that means it came from somewhere and given recent events I wonder if it came from the same group who pushed today's action and that person was trying to prevent it.


Fuck.. mind blown. Impossible to prove at this point…FUCK