Notable, Baker?
"“Why would anyone believe a bloody word of what NSA says about their mass domestic surveillance programs?” said Tice, who was the first NSA whistleblower who exposed unlawful surveillance and wiretaps of American citizens as early as May 2005. “They have lied repeatedly in the past and they are likely lying now. They have been collecting meta data and content, word-for-word, both voice and text, for some time now.”
I asked Tice how certain he was that the NSA was still conducting phone surveillance of Americans in the United States. “Of course NSA is still conducting phone and computer comms surveillance and yes, ‘wider programs’ go on and a new massive program that is more efficient is likely to have already been implemented,” he told me.
The real reason the current program has become defunct is because there is now better technology for more advanced surveillance."
Meanwhile, someone is spreading 'NSA is a victim' / 'NSA are white hats' / 'NSA shouldn't be held responsible for abrogating 4th Amendment privileges' nonsense on this board.