They want to end Q.
This is not a direct attack on 8chan.
They are attacking 8chan, to shut down Q.
They want to end Q.
This is not a direct attack on 8chan.
They are attacking 8chan, to shut down Q.
Ty,for pointing that out, I didn't know this.
Just educated spouseanon about this.
"Mosques" with capital "M".
"Stand by" for more tweets on the NZ attack?
I would say that this is the beginning of efforts to block 8chan in various countries.
They might not be able to shut down (chan, but they now have "reason" (with the help of fke news media) to block people from participating on 8chan.
This will reduce greatly the GA/ the spreading of Q posts.
Krassensteins are not shills.
They are a weapon and they have special access to twatter. Nobody else is able to always comment first.
Trump Admin has to stop this.
Normies don't see the framing here.
But how does it help, when we are able to make all these connections of weird 'coincidences', like him visiting NK in the past, if MSM is STILL in full control of the narrative?
>nz is last cabal stronghold
Together with:
all the EU countries
including the UK
and together with Canada
and an endless list of other countries.
And who is in control of the media in the US?
Trump? Or the cabal?
Potus is posting here that they did not only conspire to spy on him, but also to "take (him) out"!
Like Q told us.
Idk, Anon.
Some days I doubt seriously that "Patriots are in control".
This shit is so depressing.
Impressive zero content reply.
Ty, for the explanation, Anon.
I beleive that good actors are fighting the bad actors like mad.
But I find it depressing that the MSM is still in control.
We know, what we know and are a bit 'lonely' with our knowledge, about what's really going on, because MSM is still imprisoning the truth.
>Buckle up buttercup.
You are calling me a 'buttercup'.
Does it make you feel more manly?
MSM is still in control.
The NZ shooting is by no means an 'organic' happening.
Manipulating the people all around the world
IS a depressing thing.
> the Cabal knows no boarders and the world is it's play ground.
The cabal is a global 'enterprise'.
> I'm really starting to think Q is just to keep us calm and keep things like Christchurch from happening for real while Trump tries to legally fix the unfixable
I believe that this war against the cabal is an endeavour so big that it is not easily winnable.
Q's giving us a lot of pep talk.
But the real happenings paint a darker picture.