Thank you baker. Good night and godspeed.
March Madsen is upon us.
You know if we didn't have President Trump and Q on the team, I might be worried. But since we got those guys, I say, BRING IT!
The Green Nationalism thing is weird. I swear it reads like shill posting 101. Introduce random disparaging half thoughts that seem coherent because of sentence structure but upon analysis is just gobbly goop. IE saying white people are superior, yet claiming the greatest influence in your life is a black woman named Candace Owens. In the midst of the marrying of opposing ideas, one clear motive shines through though - Division.
The manifesto is a shill's bible.
It has been 2282 days since the date of Sandy Hook, December 14th 2012.
This libtard's numbers are just shy of a mass shooting a day.
Well, looky here.
NZ shooter was also in Pakistan as well as NK.
You thought they were going to stop at Gab?
You didn't think the Maga riot shit memes didn't have a purpose?
Did you not understand attacks will intensify?
Buckle up buttercup.