Freyja (Freya, Frejya, Freyia, Frøya, Frøjya, Freia, Freja, etc.) is a warrior goddess and priestess who is one of the most popular, beloved, honored, and renowned among the goddesses in Norse mythology. In Old Norse, she is known as the "Lady" who has a total of 10 names (i.e., Gefn, Freyja, Hörn, Mardöll, Skjálf, Sýr, Thröng, Thrungva, Valfreyja, and Vanadís). Coincidentally, the flag of Greenland is adorned with the “Ф” symbol which equates to the number “10” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). Freyja is often portrayed as a goddess of battle, beauty, death, fertility, gold, love, magic, prophecies, seiðr (i.e., sorcery), sexuality, war, and wealth. Freyja is the owner of the Brísingamen, a golden necklace which may symbolize the 24/7 daylight of Greenland. She also rides in a chariot pulled by big blue cats (symbolizing the “lion” or the “Line of Man”), or on the golden battle boar Hildisvíni (likely symbolic of the “Beast of Greenland”). Freyja also possesses a cloak of falcon feathers which allows her to fly between different worlds, an apparent reference to the Roman Eagle which is currently found in the coat or arms and on the flags of many nations (e.g., Egypt, Germany, Iran, Mexico, United States, etc.). Because Denmark is the legal owner of Greenland, Freyja is mentioned in the civil national anthem of Denmark entitled “Der er et yndigt land” which states, “it is called old Denmark and it is Freja's hall”.
The name of Friday, the fifth day of the Roman week, was derived from the Norse goddess Freyja. The consonant letters of "F" and "R" found in the name of Friday (F+R) are evident today in the official name for Friday in at least 13 languages originating out of Europe (i.e., Proto Germanic (Frijjōz dagaz); Old English (Frīgedæg); Old Saxon (Frîjadag); Old High German (Frîjatag); German (Freitag); Scots (Friday); West Frisian (Freed); Old Norse (frjádagr); Faroese (fríggjadagur); Norwegian/Bokmål (fredag); Norwegian/Nynorsk (fredag); Danish (fredag); and Swedish (fredag). In Roman English, the letter “F” is interchangeable with the letter “P” and vice versa, although the pronunciation tends to stay the same. Therefore, the consonant letters of "F/P" and "R" found in the name of Friday (F/P+R) are evident today in the official name for Friday in at least 2 languages originating out of Europe and Oceana (i.e., Finnish (perjantai) and Maori (prairie).
Freyja = Four
Freyja appears to be the goddess of “four” (i.e., the number “4”), possibly the most sacred of number of the Greco-Roman Empire. Like the term “four” (F+R), Freyja, which is pronounced “Frey” (F+R), is essentially verbalized via the consonants of “F” and “R” while the letters “Y” and “J” are relegated to silent fillers. Consequently, Freyja is called "The Fair One" as in “The Four One”. Freyja also has a precious necklace called Brísingamen which is known as the “Jewelry of Fire” (i.e., the “Jewelry of Four”). The Number "4" (pronounced “fear” in the language of German) is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "+" symbol as well as the letter "D" in the modern English alphabet. The number “4” is indicative of the four classical Greek elements (fire, air, water, and earth). The number “+” (i.e., the letter “D”) is evidently an acronym for both “Die” and “Day” which is indicative of the 24/7 daylight of Greenland. Symbolically speaking, the number “4” tends to double as the Greco-Roman cross which is the featured symbol of the Roman Empire. Although the Roman cross is depicted on numerous flags around the world, a geometrically square "+" symbol is only found on the flag of Switzerland, the main proxy state of Roman Empire. This is why Freyr, the twin brother of the goddess Freyja, is known as the Lord of the elves for in Roman mythology, Switzerland is considered Santa’s workshop and Jewish people his elves.
Tributes to Isis
Modern tributes to “SS” are numerous, a few of which include the Swastika, the Nazi Waffen-SS (whose shape mimics Zeus' lightnight bolts), the SOS distress signal, the name of Israel (Isis+Ra+El), the “ß” (“SS”) letter in German, the ISS (International Space Station) and the “USS” title for all U.S. Navy ships (e.g., “USS Dwight D. Eisenhower”). Isis (Zeus) is also found on the wall of the U.S. Senate where two “S”-shaped-branches form an “SS” or an “SZ” around twin Greco-Roman fasces. This is fitting because the U.S. Senate has approved and funded more wars over the last 200 years than any government on Earth. That being said, the wars were planned by the CIA of Switzerland.