Anonymous ID: 075525 March 6, 2018, 12:50 p.m. No.570396   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Back and catching up but here is information on Pinchuk from a few weeks back linking him (possibly) to Russian plane crash, Crowdstrike, U1, dossier, Atlantic Council, Clinton Foundation, CIA.


▶Anonymous (You) 02/23/18 (Fri) 04:53:11 06cb69 No.470964>>471013 >>471015 >>471120 >>471186

Victor Pinchuk is a major funder of the Atlantic Council, a major donator (think millions) to the Clinton Foundation, and has met with Hillary personally. Recall that The Atlantic Council is generally anti-Russian. Pinchuk happens to be Ukranian.

He is the billionaire founder of EastOne Group, LLP and Interpipe Group. Interpipe is a multi-national company specializing in metallurgy and is one of Ukraine’s leading pipe, wheel, and steel producers.


Interpipe has business relations with Rosatom:

http:// www.

"In 2014 Interpipe produced pipes for the mechanical engineering giant KAMAZ and ROSATOM Corporation (Kovrov Mechanical Factory) for the first time, and carried out deliveries for its long-standing partners – Taviller (Turkey) and TMM-ENERGOSTROY (Ukraine).”

There is an inter-relationship between several of these mining/metal companies in Russia and Ukraine.

Rosatom also has working relationships with Nornickel.

see >>419913

Nickel is a widely-used component of making steel, so it is possible that Nornickel also had business connections with Interpipe but I haven’t established that yet. But both companies were definitely connected to Rosatom.


Nornickel is also collaborating with Kapersky Labs in the area of Information Security.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security banned Kaspersky products from all government departments on 13 September 2017. In October 2017, subsequent reports alleged that hackers working for the Russian government stole confidential data from the home computer of an National Security Agency contractor using Kaspersky antivirus software. Kaspersky has actively denied that it has such ties with the Russian government, but acknowledged that its software had extracted files from the contractor's computer in the course of its operations.


Kapersky discovered the Red October malware

Red October

Main article: Red October (malware)

In January 2013, Kaspersky discovered the Red October malware, which had been used for widespread cyber-espionage for five years. It targeted political targets like embassies, nuclear sites, mostly in Europe, Switzerland and North America. The malware was likely written by Russian-speaking hackers and the exploits by Chinese hackers.[95][96] That June, Kaspersky discovered NetTraveler, which it said was obtaining data on emerging technology from government targets and oil companies. Kaspersky did not identify who was behind it, but it was similar to other cyber-espionage coming from Beijing, China.[97][98] Later that same year, Kaspersky discovered a hacker group it called Icefog after investigating an cybersecurity attack on a Japanese television company. Kaspersky said the hacker group, possibly from China, was unique in that they targeted specific files they seemed to know about before planting malware to extract them.[99][100]


>>470568 >>470773 >>470836 >>470845 >>470869 >>470887 >>470905