Is Q talking about the mosque shooting or something else here?
What's up with Lindy Graham? I thought it was good for MAGA to have Mueller Report go public. What am I not getting here?
You know how last night's post said today's Friday? Meaning what?
Got it. Thanks, man.
Any Anons have ideas on what we should be expecting to expect in T -4? Drooling. Like a Saint Bernard.
WAG? Like the movie? I think I got what your saying with the rest of it. So, is it okay that only Graham is the one asking for secrecy? But, didn't they get like a unimous vote to reveal? Man, maybe it is true, weed slows your brain cells. On the uptake.
I was just gonna look up that Ides thing. Been hearing it a lot lately and was not getting the reference. Will it ever be made public how many attempts at POTUS have been made. Fry the motherfuckers!
Cool. Nice grabs. kek
Sorry, dumb one here. No clue what this means.
So, Podesta was in NZ a couple days ago? Isn't that one of the FVEYs location? And now this shooting? And, why is he even allowed to leave the country anway?
Self Control. Yeah, exactly. I get road rage just from stupid drivers, imagine having that crapface Acosta in my press conference. I'd get off the podium and >insert redacted comments here<
Also makes sense. kek
Awesome! What app was used to create movie poster? Totally looks legit! PEDOSta Brothers. KEK
When are they gonna arrest the fake accusers?
When will this stuff go mainstream and be exposed? Damn!