Something really hinky about NZ shooting etc. It bothers me that 1. Podesta the weasel is or was poking around there and 2. Last year Hillary and Ardern were cozy like witches in a coven together. I donโt like either, they are malevolent as all hell. Ardern even threw some millions in NZ taxpayer money to Clinton Foundation (as did cabal pussy boy Trudeau but I digress). Shooting up a couple of mosques does twofold profit for the cabal, moar muh gun control and sympathy for muzzies (remember the little drowned kid photographers posed all over the beach in Italy to melt the hearts of Europeans who ended up greeting military aged rapist invaders with Welcome Refugee!! signs and open arms). They have no problem sacrificing 50 people to achieve their ends. Makes my head fucking hurt, these people are beyond sick. Why the fuck are they allowed to continue this shit over and over?
When Kerry was there, on the day or near Election Day, same thing. Wtf are those evil fucks up to?
Nice digits. But why is this sick fuck allowed to go slithering his slimy self around the world? Should be in front of a firing squad imho. Btw what is up with the fucking captchas.
Go fuck yourself.