ROFL board is basically dead now that the nothing burger press conference happened. I guess Mueller has until November now.
ROFL board is basically dead now that the nothing burger press conference happened. I guess Mueller has until November now.
Fuck the wall is half built already and we all knew the veto was coming. I hope Podesta is enjoying his morning jogs down under. Seems he's pretty stressed out….
um, yeah.
So Q team can't follow Podesta setting up a false flag that kills 49 in a known bad guy 5 eye country, when we're constantly shown how they know everything 'because they have it all', to distract from Trump signing the Veto that everyone has known he was going to do for over a week.
Makes sense. Use logic.
Or, maybe put something out there that would be worth the 49 lives lost because someone dropped the ball big time in letting that fucking rat wander around the world free as a bird doing whatever havoc he wants.