Anonymous ID: 889d97 March 15, 2019, 4:48 p.m. No.5710497   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Hero; right person at the right place at the right time doing the right thing. Doing the "impossible"; ignoring the odds, playing for the Win.

With open eyes one walks the Path.

To do what's Right.

To do what's Best.

To do what's Worthy.

With only One Free person alive, THE EVIL would still be driven by Fear. A coward.


So, walking on.

One walks.

Into the Lions Den.

To emerge unscathed

Or set Free within.


Our enemies call us "information terrorists"; weaponizing information/truth.

Our enemies call truth a weapon.

Against them, and what they aim to do.


Our friends call us "digital soldiers".

Our friends call on us to wield truth as a weapon.

For them, and what they aim to do.


We disagree with the aims of our enemies.

We agree with the aims of our friends.

Both labels they have given us are fundamentally wrong.

We are simply citizens wanting to live our lives.

But when need arises, so do we.


Terrorists destroy to make a political point.

We reveal to make a political point.

We are simply citizens wanting to live our lives.

But when need arises, so do we.


Soldiers live their days, getting ready for, or in, the "fight".

We live our civilian days, changing roles in a moments notice.

Town Criers. Pamphleteers. Bar room discussions. Street corners, Churches, meeting halls…

Patriots informed each other.


When the need arose, so did they.

At a minutes notice.



The Awakening is filled with Digital Minutemen.


Call that swarm of humanity what you will.

What's in a name, anyhow.

There's no going back.


The world describes the rise of America to global supremacy as, "awakening a sleeping giant". That giant wasn't/isn't who America is. That was a product of the dream. An echo of what America is. The dreamer of that dream is awakening. Half still dreaming, the other half pretending to sleep. Assessing; is it time? What are the leaders of the world going to do when the dreamer stops pretending the dream, and STANDS?


Martin Luther King Jr. One of the greatest men produced by this country; this world. Not a perfect man. That's the point (who is?). His fundamental msg was that we're all individuals. That what we look like matters not at all in comparison to what we are on the inside. What we think. What we feel. What we STAND for. What we are willing to sacrifice for.


A farm boy from a desert planet.

A farm girl from Kansas.

A couple tin men.

A couple furry monsters.

A couple magical advisers.

A couple charming idiots.


What do they have in common? They found themselves in a world not of their making. Faced with a choice. Pretend that the world was lacking the WRONG, or STAND and do what they could. They chose to STAND. They chose to be the Heroes of their own Story. To put what little weight they had onto the back of the WRONG; trying to drag it down. A grain of sand is almost nothing. Those grains add up, though.


What if the fate of the World rested on the decisions that EACH of us make? What if the fate of every single person living and yet to live rested on the decisions made NOW. If one has a point beyond which one will not go, if one has circumstances one will not accept…What is one to do?



On a hill, as it were.

There comes a time.

One finds that time, usually not of ones choosing, and makes a choice.

Compromise…or not.

Choosing not, choosing to STAND, choosing that HILL upon which one will die, or not; usually not of ones choosing.


We've been told to trust the Plan.

We've been told to be patient with the Plan.

We've been itching to get on with it.

Is it Time?

This one has chosen ones Hill. Do or Die, there is no try.

Is it Time to crush this True world we've been Dreaming and birth the DREAM that is REAL?


A direct msg to THE EVIL, from THIS nobody; do everyone (YOUR self included) a favor.

Dig YOUR hole.

Meme YOUR eulogy.

Pray for GOD's mercy.


YOUR time is nigh.


I pray for YOU.

With LOVE from the fingers,

With LOVE from the lips,

With LOVE from the heart,


Judgement, Justice, Wrath.