Anonymous ID: 6bcf86 March 6, 2018, 2:39 p.m. No.571465   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>569611 (2 breads ago)

what follows is a post from DR1, where you sent me, some interesting comments on Haiti in a thread today there:



William Larimer Mellon Jr.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

William Larimer "Larry" Mellon Jr. (1910–1989) was an American philanthropist and physician.


He was born in Pittsburgh June 26, 1910, the son of financier William Larimer Mellon Sr. and a grandnephew of U.S. Treasury Secretary Andrew W. Mellon. His family fortune derived from Gulf Oil, Westinghouse, BNY Mellon, Koppers, Alcoa and others.[citation needed]


He was married twice,[1] the second time to ranch hand and single mother Gwen Grant.[citation needed] He attended Princeton University for one year, worked for his family's Mellon Financial and served in the OSS during World War II.


He owned and operated a cattle ranch in Arizona until, at the age of 37, he read about, and then studied, Albert Schweitzer's medical missionary work in Gabon, and resolved with Schweitzer's encouragement and guidance to create a similar third-world hospital. He and Gwen Grant Mellon enrolled at Tulane University; he received his medical degree in 1954 at the age of 44, and she became qualified as a medical-laboratory technician.[1]


In 1956, they opened the Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti in Deschapelles, Haiti.[1]


He died in Deschapelles at the age of 79 with cancer and Parkinson's disease, on August 3, 1989.[1]


and this




what I didn't see here is what I know for fact.


Yes, he was inspired by an Einstein article…

so much so that he wrote to him at the Einstein Africa hospital….


lo & behold, Einstein wrote back..and the friendship started.


Mellon abandoned the cattle life that displeased him… didn't satisfy him

went back to school


Upon graduation , he asked Einstein - his friend by now..


What would you do?

Where would you go?


Einstein answered - Haiti


There you have it… the true genesis of an admirable story, life, & achievement


Still going strong that hospital and I have not a read a bad word about it.

The Mellon family still heads the oversight board and visits regularly… still supporting


All very, very quietly


They are buried on the property