Anonymous ID: aa7def March 15, 2019, 6:52 p.m. No.5712633   🗄️.is 🔗kun

About the "Meme how Great GEOTUS is…"

First off…

We need to translate the official lists that are put out into easily digestible sayings.

Less braggadocios and more "undeniable".


How to accomplish this?

Maybe have a few tiers.

-Things that are easily accepted can be ridiculous.

-Things that easily verified but would still push people to do so should maybe have clues as to where to find the info… Such as having a headline as the memetext.

-Complex pills to swallow should present figures or lists or something.

-There are m0ar accomplishments than what can be found on lists. Don't forget to add your own.

-gifs of GEOTUS doing what you're pointing out.

>Ex: Buncha strong, powerful women walking toward the camera…

<Hand hits an up button.

>Ladysuits walk by and smile.

<Cut to GEOTUS smiling by the elevator.

"Trump has done more for gynetypes than any other so-called president, ever."


Also, recruit r/T_D.

Lord knows they could use the work, but they'll look to the chans for the format, as is the way things go.